Example sentences of "not help by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Caine feels that celebrity marriages are not helped by the Press .
2 The matter was not helped by the company 's failure to decide on the dividend payout until the last minute .
3 Matters were not helped by the Sabina Park authorities providing one sightscreen that was too low to be of much use if the bowler was over six feet ( 1.8 metres ) tall , and when England complained after the game against Jamaica the reply was that it could not be raised without obscuring the view of some two hundred people who had already bought tickets .
4 But because there is some uncertainty about what it is to be a professional librarian and how to respond professionally to many situations , there can be rather tao many difficult decisions to be made ; and the dilemma is not helped by the weakness of the profession , both inherent and externally perceived , on the issue of censorship .
5 The chances of the Democrats succeeding in this crucial struggle were not helped by the Speaker who , after a trip abroad , gave a ‘ dispirited news conference ’ where he said , ‘ I can read Congress .
6 Matters are not helped by the presence of filthy capitalists ; in a spirit of grudging co-operation , American trawlers supply the Polar Star with fish and split the proceeds .
7 The situation is not helped by the writers of " soap operas " who " explain " the behaviour of a murderer , child molester or other deviant by saying that he or she had epilepsy or a brain tumour .
8 This problem is not helped by the provision of health care free at the point of use , which prevents the patient from knowing the cost of the treatment .
9 CONSTANT appeals to follow the Fireworks Code were not helped by the Guy Fawkes Night episodes of Emmerdale and Top Of The Pops showing sparklers alight indoors .
10 This is not helped by the suspicion that a preoccupation with Europe is distracting the Government from cleaning up the mess on its own doorstep .
11 Climbers are often confused with ramblers , which is perhaps not altogether surprising in view of their similarities , and is not helped by the practice in many nursery catalogues and garden centres of grouping the two together .
12 Soil erosion was not helped by the over-stocking of cattle which were regarded as wealth , and essential for paying " lobola " or bride-price .
13 The likelihood of her arrival at Brighton , the possibility of her speaking in the debate on immigration , and the nice problem of what to do with the old bat on the Friday afternoon ( a vote of thanks ? a place on the platform ? a solo entrance ? ) — these matters were all now exercising Fowler 's mind , the peace of which was not helped by the lead story in the Daily Mail : ‘ MAGGIE BRIGHTON BOUND ’ .
14 The condition of the track and the buckling of the conduit slot was not helped by the weight of the girders transported along the Promenade during the construction of the Tower .
15 However , such a suggestion is not helped by the controversy and confusion that surround oil demand forecasts , proven reserves and exploration levels .
16 It 's a tense moment not helped by the failure of the electrical apparatus to fire the devices .
17 This time his powers of concentration were not helped by the fact that on a hot and humid Sunday afternoon in the Bois de Boulogne he was feeling awful : he had been wasting in order to ride Beaver II at nine stone ten pounds later in the afternoon , and was severely debilitated by a stomach upset which had kept him up all night .
18 There then followed a long period of muddle and confusion not helped by the fact that no one had a recent photograph of Blake and that it was a Saturday evening .
19 Of course , matters are not helped by the fact that many men have difficulty in talking about the problem at all , often finding it both distressing and embarrassing .
20 The mood in 1984 was not helped by the fact that she was pregnant with Prince Harry .
21 His position was not helped by the fact that the Queen Mother and his twin sister , Princess Ashraf , had not accompanied Reza Shah into exile .
22 It was not helped by the fact that it was involuntarily wriggling on the plate .
23 The answer to the question ‘ who sold to Z ? ’ depends upon whether Y was a buyer and re-seller or whether he was merely an agent for X. The answer is not helped by the fact that people who are in fact buyers and resellers are often termed in the trade ‘ agents . ’
24 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the opportunity for this country to help support genuine refugees abroad through various aid programmes is not helped by the fact that , according to a headline in The Times today , bogus refugees bleed Britain of £100 million through benefit fraud ?
25 The problem is not helped by the fact that UCTA refers to the type of goods , not the type of outlet they are bought from , or the quantity in which they are bought .
26 The market place itself was full of people , jostling and fighting their way to the stalls , their tempers not helped by the heat , dust and flies .
27 Some of the windows incorporate mediaeval work , but the interior is unattractive and not helped by the masses of dreary pews .
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