Example sentences of "not see [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I will certainly visit Loughborough to see 4771 , as Ii have not seen her since that day in August 1962 .
2 I have not seen her from that day to this .
3 Nora had not seen her like that since the day she and Sam had arrived at Coutances .
4 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
5 She always forgot , when she had not seen him for some time , how he affected her .
6 ‘ I 've not seen him for some time . ’
7 Police broke in after neighbours had not seen him for several days .
8 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
9 Eden wrote : ‘ After three months without a comment from the Prime Minister ’ ( he had not seen him during this period , which included the ‘ internationalization ’ of the Spanish Civil War ) , ‘ I found this an astonishing doctrine , ’
10 Ramsay had not seen him since that day at Musselburgh when the good Regent Moray died and Seton had been sent off to Fife to try to hamper Balliol 's landing at Kinghorn , a gallant but unsuccessful endeavour in which Seton had been wounded .
11 I have not seen him since this morning . ’
12 I usually bump into him every so often on the stairs , in one of the upstairs rooms or in the garden , but I have not seen him in some time .
13 I had not seen them for some time .
14 I 've not seen it mummy , I 've not seen it at all .
15 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
16 Maggie 's face flushed hotly and she was glad that Ana could not see her at that moment .
17 I moved round to the other windows , but I could not see her in any of the rooms .
18 After that we did not see him at all .
19 She does not see him at all .
20 She could not see him in any such clear moralistic light .
21 I do not see them at all .
22 Although he undoubtedly did not see it as such , what Jesus Christ was really doing was fighting to uphold the Second Choice as specified in this book .
23 Of course I did not see it like that at the time .
24 I do not see it like that , and I am sure that the nation as a whole would not either .
25 I did not see it like this at the time , but arched
26 Undoubtedly the parties did not see it like this .
27 And you , A types can not see it in any other way .
28 As for your point that Mr O'Farrell does not see you in that light , that is surely up to you ? ’
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