Example sentences of "not for [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We need to have the basis for guidelines , not for a mechanistic procedure to match children with books .
2 He ruled that damages were due for the effects of surfactants but not for a small presence of phosphates .
3 If the charge on the property in favour of the husband is not for a fixed amount but is expressed to be equivalent , for example , to one third of the net proceeds of sale , then the husband has acquired a chargeable asset ( Marren v Ingles [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 983 ) and payment of the capital sum by way of redemption of the charge would appear to be a disposal for capital gains tax purposes ( TCGA 1992 , s22 ) .
4 However , despite being framed as a negative provision , the House of Lords held that the clause was unenforceable as it lacked certainty in that it was not for a fixed period of duration .
5 Compaq Computer Corp 's first quarter earnings were better than the highest of Wall Street estimates and some analysts said that if it were not for a negative impact from currency translations , profits would have been a bit higher still .
6 This was a town for relaxation , for pleasure , not for a working girl like Tess .
7 Even though the problem shows that the full crime was consummated , the culprits may be convicted of attempt or incitement , so that it may be relevant to mention these crimes — though normally , of course , the indictment would be for the completed crime , not for a mere attempt or incitement .
8 The above description of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve allows for the existence of a short-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation , but not for a long-run trade-off .
9 He typifies the marshman 's feudal protest against central authority , together with his longing , not for a new order , but for a return of the old .
10 How d , I 'm sorry I do n't understand how you know the local preference is not for a new settlement .
11 He was looking not for a new policy for Britain , but for a political protege for himself , someone who would be more gracious and romantic than Chamberlain .
12 If the Home Office really wants to stop the abuse of children and the rape of women , it must pass a law allowing the castration of the perpetrators , not for a first offence , in case there is a mistake , but for a second offence — unless people are unfit to plead .
13 I have met plenty of those since my husband left me — for another man , incidentally , not for a young bimbo .
14 The aim of treatment is not for a young child to lose weight as it would be in an adult , but to maintain their weight or make below normal weight gain ( Dietz 1984 ) .
15 Perhaps not for a seasoned traveller like Byron , but for most people there are still thousands of miles to cover and hundreds of countries to explore .
16 His brief was to design an item of cutlery with and not for a disabled student .
17 Where such contracts have been in force for 3 years or longer , but are not for a specific undertaking eg building a house , claims are admissible under the policy .
18 But let's look first at the visible problems , realising the need for fun , not for a fruitless day 's digging or waiting around for ferrets that are none too likely to return to the surface once allowed underground .
19 Wartime popular mobilizations demanding state intervention to establish equality of sacrifice laid the basis , not for a libertarian revolt , but for a fusion of socialism with the most powerful force of all — the democratic self-assertion of the nation-in-arms .
20 The demand which grew up amongst Congregationalists and , to a lesser degree , Baptists was not for a radical shift in the nature of their worship but for the external embellishment of traditional worship : flowers , organs and stained glass , but not chants , Holy Tables and liturgical seasons .
21 What 's happened is , of course , that as the costs have fallen and the micros have come in through the door so they 're very much smaller , erm it all becomes possible for the whole of society and not for a tiny elite .
22 He could , Dalgliesh thought , have been judged an outstandingly handsome man were it not for a certain incongruity of feature , perhaps the contrast between the fineness of the skin stretched over the flat cheekbones and the strong jutting jaw and uncompromising mouth .
23 ‘ But they say he must n't go home and live on his own , not for a long while at any rate . ’
24 I 'd heard tales about some people having seen an old man down there but not for a long while , he would n't hurt anyone so your lad need n't be scared of him . ’
25 He shrugged his shoulders , ‘ At times I like to speak English , but not for a long time .
26 ‘ Before , but not for a long time now , ’ Maggie admitted reluctantly and Rose did not want to learn any more .
27 Once workers have installed Britain 's new cable , no one expects that the country will want to replace it — at least not for a long time .
28 Not for a long time had Vi felt so uncomfortable .
29 It is a combination that I have used in the past but not for a long time , although blue and white stripes in fabrics are a perennial favourite of mine .
30 No , I wo n't return , not for a long time , it 's too painful and upsetting .
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