Example sentences of "not have [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If oil-drillers can exploit organic molecules to manipulate the flow and drillability of mud , there is no reason why cumulative selection should not have led to the same kind of exploitation by self-replicating minerals .
2 Perhaps the argumentative Balbindor had been correct in saying I should not have drunk from the waterfall springing from the Other Side .
3 Even the previous day 's visitors could not have landed on the same spot as you because the ice , and the herd , move many miles each night .
4 If you had told any of Britain 's hard-pressed post-war chancellors that they could expand the economy vigorously and turn round the external accounts by 6.5 per cent of GDP without adverse consequences , would they not have jumped at the chance ?
5 Horace may or may not have believed in the divinities and demi-gods he poetically invokes ( he often deals whimsically with them , and he describes himself as — not much of a churchgoer ) but they were at the very least a cultural property that he held in common with his audience ; he could assume that his readers — represented by Torquatus — would take the point if , in developing a theme , he reminded them of a name out of history or legend .
6 Even HG Wells might not have believed in the last years of the 20th century , plans were being laid to walk across the Martian south pole .
7 An amoral man applying a fixed morality to others might not have hoped for the success Surere had had ; but now , with so much ranged against him , in a world so different from the one he had lorded it in , Huy wondered how he would get on .
8 No , I should not have moved into the second Person .
9 Many species would not have survived without the weapon of the pre-emptive strike .
10 We could not have survived without the 13 local interpreters who became our guides , chaperons and friends .
11 Israel could not have survived in the desert without God 's miraculous provision .
12 Plants and animals that were incapable of acclimatizing to cold would not have survived in the cooling environment of the early Pleistocene .
13 You may not have heard of the journalist or author concerned but that does not mean that they are not engaged on a bona fide testing programme or working on a first-class magazine feature .
14 As to Mrs. Leapor 's dramatic writings , it would not be overrating their merit to say that much worse plays have succeeded on the stage : yet it is probable her Unhappy Father would not have pleased in the acting .
15 The presence of muscle type nAChR or nAChR-like protein in the thymus has been reported previously ( 25–27 ) , however antibodies and probes used in these studies would not have differentiated between the two variants of α .
16 At the time it was worth five shillings , no mean sum for a Gorbals kid , but had this promise been honoured I would not have parted with the note .
17 Erm they would not have gone through the same sort of occupation .
18 There 's a lot of people who er do n't , who would not have gone to the bother of going into the shop and buying a one pound or two pound or four pound
19 If Cooke P. had been aware of the true position he could not have denied to the petitioner an appeal to the Board as of right on the ground that the cancellation issue remained alive .
20 Hardline resistance to Mr Gaidar and his shock therapy programme , which conservatives say is sending millions into beggary , will not have ended with the vote in the Grand Kremlin Palace and is likely to move back on to the streets with more rabble-rousing in coming months .
21 Perhaps he was n't as completely convinced as he made out that a lost boy , however bright and confident , could not have ended in the Comer .
22 We support and accept the good sense of increasing sentences for offences that are worse than taking and driving away and of extending the deterrent of disqualification where personal injury and damage occurs , but it is quite another thing for someone to be guilty of additional offences that he does not commit , to which he is not a party and which he might not have foreseen as the likely consequences of his taking and driving away .
23 He took a holiday he should not have done during the Gulf War crisis when this country was facing its greatest possible crisis .
24 The survey of 866 dentists in the dental journal The Probe , says : ‘ When dentists were asked whether they had extracted , or referred for extraction , any teeth which they might not have done before the introduction of the 1990 contract , 61 per cent said they had , while nearly 37 per cent said they had not . ’
25 No doubt the now dispossessed Kurds and the Shiites have been surprised to learn that they did something they should not have done in the interests of geopolitical reality .
26 The DPP statement on June 14 said that the jury in the 1976 trial might not have realised from the scientific evidence provided that the seven could have been innocently contaminated with nitroglycerine , but that " in the light of current scientific knowledge this was a real possibility , however remote " .
27 Such depositional settings could not have existed under the temperature extremes and humidity ( annual precipitation minus evaporation of 0 — 1mmday ) simulated by the models .
28 If hypertension has been neglected in the diabetic care of the past , lipids might not have existed for the attention they have received .
29 The close relationship between settlement and cemetery may not have existed throughout the country .
30 While the TMI accident would not have progressed to the stage it did had it not been for human error , it highlighted the fact that reactor designers and operators had to give more attention to the reliability of the system and its components , and their interaction under accident conditions .
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