Example sentences of "not be used for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The money has not been used for that purpose .
2 Therefore my own chapel which has not been used for two generations but for a lumber room , because our family seldom resided here long together , shall be cleared and cleaned and got ready for the ceremony .
3 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
4 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
5 Microprocessors have not been used for this work up to now and the first-ever system for a PWR is currently being installed by the French at their new power station at Paluel .
6 At what I called the Winter Marsh inlet , though it was not called anything on the map , there was a wooden quay in what struck me as remarkably good condition for a structure that presumably had not been used for several years .
7 Do n't be discouraged by this , as it is a good sign that you have stretched muscles that have not been used for some time .
8 The proceedings of the House should not be used for that purpose .
9 This latter provision was seen as means to assure NATO that certain Warsaw Pact aircraft could not be used for offensive purposes .
10 These needs must include the needs to live a natural life and not be used for invasive procedures or be kept in restrictive confinement .
11 This neutralised the efforts of the consortium since all funds committed so far had been for the purchase of the collection intact ; they could not be used for individual sale bids or any subsequent related negotiations .
12 Because of its protein content Simplesse can not be used for deep fat frying , although it can be used in some cooking applications — the cream can be used to make sauces or the cheese to make pizza or lasagne , but both these products are only available in the US at the moment .
13 Normally a biosensor can not be used for practical biofluid measurements without some degree of protection from background interference and biofouling .
14 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
15 However , if the buildings can not be used for such purposes ‘ other uses are preferable to allowing the buildings to remain empty or grossly under-occupied ’ .
16 for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle , if it can not be used for such purpose without stopping in that length of road , to be used for fire brigade , ambulance or police purposes or in connection with any building operation , demolition or excavation , the removal of any obstruction to traffic , the maintenance , improvement or reconstruction of that length of road , or the laying , erection , alteration , repair or cleaning in or near to that length of road of any traffic sign or sewer or of any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , or of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports .
17 Rozen reported hypoxia and recommended that narcotics should not be used for gastrintestinal endoscopy in the elderly .
18 The only disadvantage of the method is that it can not be used for certain solvents , such as alcohol , which do n't appear to be absorbed by Tenax .
19 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
20 For these reasons monetarists argue that monetary policy can not be used for short-run demand management .
21 Coarse sand can not be used for this purpose , because it soon enlarges the hole through which it flows .
22 The second is that limited resources should not be used for this patient .
23 Apart from the disinfection role a sterilising sink has a useful secondary role in providing heated soaking facilities for heavily soiled small equipment although it can not be used for both roles at the same time .
24 Feed systems vary according to whether liquid or powder detergents are used as the same system can not be used for both .
25 The EP , concerned about moral implications of patenting human and animal life , has supported the Council of Europe efforts , most recently through a joint declaration urging that the Convention should be produced ‘ as speedily as possible ’ and supporting the principle that ‘ the human body should not be used for commercial purposes ’ .
26 However , paper labels should not be used for those sections destined for use in cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopes or microprobe , as they tend to char in the beam and may interfere with conductive coatings .
27 The machinery is so specialist that it can not be used for any other purpose .
28 This utility may not be used for foreign modules
29 In 1986 the Norwegian government had demanded the return of the water because it suspected that , contrary to the original agreement , it was not being used for peaceful purposes but for the manufacture of plutonium for nuclear weapons [ see p. 36942 ] .
30 Small generators might put in 0.2 amp/hour ( 2.4W ) and are easy to use as they can be left charging indefinitely , even when the yacht is not being used for long periods , without damaging the battery .
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