Example sentences of "not be [verb] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Conservative MP Keith Hampson expressed the view in 1977 that the new institutions had not been planned as part of an integrated post-school system , but by default .
2 But last night other umpires stressed that Oslear had not been sacked as chairman because of his battle to support Lamb .
3 not been debated as part of the capital programme .
4 If the defect had been in a component of the toaster , say the heating element , the result would still be the same unless the heating element had not been supplied as part of the toaster ( e.g. had been bought as a replacement later ) .
5 In Scotia , which had not been mentioned as part of the Archbishop Adalbert 's spiritual kingdom , a few members of the Norman party left at short notice , to be more than replaced in the next week or two by friends and kinsmen who wanted their posts .
6 Wild animals should not be kept as pets at all .
7 The stipulation of liquidated damages for breach of a particular term contradicts the possibility of that term being a condition ; therefore , terms backed by liquidated damages will usually not be regarded as conditions , unless the scale of the breach is considerable .
8 These payments will not be regarded as payments for hire or reward ( normally excluded under the policy ) , if :
9 These payments will not be regarded as payments for hire or reward ( normally excluded under the policy ) , if :
10 These payments will not be regarded as payments for hire or reward ( normally excluded under the policy ) , if :
11 These payments will not be regarded as payments for hire or reward ( normally excluded under the policy ) , if :
12 One other possible objection is that the difference which we are describing may be real but should not be regarded as part of syntax , rather as a variation that comes into play only when we focus on the correlation between linguistic expressions and external non-linguistic phenomena .
13 It follows that the money supply should not be regarded as part of NW since by far its largest component are bank deposits , a magnitude technically referred to as ‘ inside money ’ : the assets of depositors are matched by the liabilities of bank creditors .
14 It used to be thought that bonds should be included in a definition of the net worth of the private sector , but this has been challenged by R. J. Barro ( 1974 ) , who has argued that bonds should not be regarded as part of the net worth of the private sector since the non-monetary liabilities of the government are a burden on this generation and on future generations .
15 The evidence of three recent controlled studies indicates that clients with bulimia nervosa can benefit to a similar degree from treatments which can not be regarded as forms of Cognitive–Behaviour Therapy ( Fairburn and Cooper , 1989 ) .
16 He acted out of moral considerations yet they could not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense because they were principles or considerations involved in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
17 This remark emphasizes again the point previously made that moral considerations , which can not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense , are involved in situations of moral dilemma or in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
18 However , the Yates decision should not be regarded as authority for the proposition that a collection of individually non-confidential items of information can not be the subject of confidentiality where the confidentiality lies in the fact that they are collected together .
19 Even boiling , however , should not be regarded as sterilisation .
20 The company has informed your two banks , where you have substantial overdrafts , I understand , that your employment with us has ceased , and we can not be regarded as guarantors .
21 These groups should not be regarded as representative of the Cardiff population : the 1991 census data records a Bangladeshi population of 1663 , some 0.6% of the total .
22 The respondents in the survey can not be regarded as representative of the general population as these areas contained only 58 per cent .
23 The Funding Council shall not — ( a ) be regarded as the servants or agents of the Crown ; ( b ) have any status , immunity or privilege of the Crown , and their property shall not be regarded as property of , or held on behalf of , the Crown .
24 Twenty-five watts may not be regarded as knockout stuff , but as Fender are quick to point out , ‘ Tube watts sound a lot louder than solid state watts . ’
25 Whatever is claimed of these traditional philosophical mysteries , including the claim that they enter into mental events , they surely can not be regarded as parts of them .
26 Evolution was not an absolutely continuous process because the crucial episodes in which life had advanced to an entirely new level of development could not be represented as extensions of the more predictable kind of evolution taking place within established groups .
27 The NAO says that ‘ early indications suggest significant under-declaration of income by farmers may extend beyond the original area and that some farmers may not be registered as taxpayers . ’
28 The prospect of a wider ranging enquiry emerged with the report suggesting ‘ significant under-declaration of income by farmers may extend beyond the original area and that some farmers may not be registered as taxpayers . ’
29 Not all bishops were employed by the king and some of them had acquired their sees in the face of royal opposition ; they can not be dismissed as king 's men .
30 Warnings of eco-wars and the flight of hundreds of millions of refugees can not be dismissed as fantasies : they are probabilities in situations which become more and more apparent as the century nears its end .
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