Example sentences of "not be [verb] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , chimaeras have not been obtained from embryos injected before the middle of the 9th day of gestation , presumably because younger embryos are physically too small to be successfully penetrated , or to tolerate penetration .
2 But even if he had not been separated from Alexei by duty , and leaving aside the connivance of Irina 's family , a gap would have existed between them .
3 Because reparations had not been received from Germany , French and Belgian troops re-occupied the Ruhr area of Germany in January 1923 .
4 Ninety-four of these theses had not been borrowed from BLDSC in the two-year period ( 66% ) .
5 The seventh edition , in 1759 ‘ revised and altered according to the latest system of Botany ’ , included many new plants from overseas and , as Miller emphasised in the Preface , their descriptions had not been copied from books , but taken from nature : ‘ the far greater number are from growing plants which the author has under his care , and the others are from dried samples which are well preserved ; of which he has , perhaps , as large a collection as can be found in the possession of any private person . ’
6 This sheet should be readily available in each Group and need not be obtained from Finance .
7 Almost ninety years ago Stevenson 's romantic adventures were put in their place by a reviewer in the London Daily Chronicle who remarked that ‘ great literature can not be composed from narratives of perilous adventures ’ .
8 Although scrupulously fair in his writings on deaf history , neither favouring use of sign language or oralism , constantly giving credit where this was due to either method , Abraham Farrar was always regarded by oralists as the greatest triumph for the oral method of teaching the deaf , though Francis Maginn once told a B.D.D.A Congress that ‘ Oral ’ pupils could not be kept from signing .
9 Frogs should not be moved from pond to pond says the Essex Wildlife Trust because of the danger of spreading red leg disease — a fatal disorder that turns the legs blood red before death .
10 ‘ Figs Can not be Gathered from Thistles ’ : the 1920s
11 Versailles , said Ramsay MacDonald in 1919 , was ‘ a peace to end peace ’ , and ‘ figs can not be gathered from thistles . ’
12 The point is that if I could not be distinguished from others in some way , then the utterance ‘ It 's me ’ would be useless .
13 Janet Willcock called for the unity of all radical opinion in Derry ; Eamonn McCann said that Terence O'Neill could not be distinguished from Lord Brookeborough and that reference to liberal unionism was double talk .
14 Because our sample consists of a cohort of individuals , calendar time effects can not be distinguished from duration effects .
15 Pastrami cut from a very regular block will probably not be made from brisket of beef , so the odder the shape , the better the meat .
16 ‘ THE hypocrisy of those in the public eye should not be hidden from view , or protected by judges or ill-conceived legislation ’ — Ann Clwyd , shadow national heritage secretary , attacking any bid by the Government to introduce new curbs on the press .
17 Mystics can not be prevented from contemplation any more than a poet can be prevented from writing poetry .
18 Whilst a younger generation of women artists are getting certain recognition , the artists who have laid the foundation for our young contemporaries should not be erased from memory .
19 Ireland may one day be a united nation , but it can not be done and should not be done from London .
20 Applications for asylum should not be accepted from nationals of certain countries .
21 If Western Europe could not be liberated from Britain , it would have to be defended .
22 Similarly , changes in approach can not be isolated from questions of organisational development and survival and in fact may be the key to their understanding .
23 The binary policy , which is central to the history of higher education from its elaboration in the second half of the 1960s , and intimately related to the history of the CNAA 's own policies and operations , is explained by many or all of these factors , but can not be separated from perceptions of the roles and attitudes of the universities that we have previously discussed , and which were part of the decision-making environment of the mid- and late 1960s .
24 The Italian Foreign Minister Gianni De Michelis said that while the EC did not wish to exert pressure on Israel , political issues could not be separated from considerations about trade co-operation with that country .
25 Understood in this broader sense , technological change can not be separated from market structures , patterns of competition and social regulation , and from the quality of the educational system and of the labour force .
26 In Wales , the otter may not be recovering from declines caused by persecution and dieldrin , because of a lack of fish due to acidification .
27 Councils will be allowed to appoint non-voting advisers to committees who must have relevant expertise or experience and not be disqualified from council membership — except in the case of teachers on education or library committees .
28 It can not be learnt from experience , and so must be something with which we are innately endowed .
29 We therefore need a new table which shows the three-way table of age by income by attitudes to the law ( figure 13.5 ) ; the relationships can not be inferred from inspection of figures 13.2 , 13.3 and 13.4 alone .
30 The family setting can not be omitted from considerations of sexuality any more than sexuality can be left out of ideas concerning the complicated web of interaction and relationships which comprise family life .
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