Example sentences of "not be [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 British farmers received no warnings and use of the fungicides has not been cut in Britain .
2 Why has this extraordinary assemblage not been secured by Italy ?
3 Williams , certain that he had not been detected by Tawell , returned to his office , confident that Tawell had retired for the night .
4 The statutory negligence approach has not been adopted in England and this is probably a good thing .
5 Perelandra shows that even on the mythopoeic level this most difficult of doctrines had not been absorbed by Lewis .
6 The other thing to remember is that women who have sex with women may be at risk of HIV infection if they share needles or syringes to inject drugs , or use semen that has not been tested for HIV if they want to get pregnant through self-insemination .
7 The Chinese room had so far not been touched by Sara or her decorators .
8 Morgan Grenfell seems happy and has not been looking over Mr Massey 's shoulder .
9 The nursemaid felt a withdrawal of affection and was hurt , not noticing that the child was shrinking back from all emotional expression ; the hugs and kisses once lavished on Marie had not been transferred to Pamela .
10 So Protestant opinions had not been silenced by Arran 's change of heart after the initial heady days of 1543 ; and the Rough Wooing had not broken the link between the English and the hopes of Scottish Protestants .
11 This has not been demonstrated in Britain ; first , because of the lack of judicial review of statutes in Britain , policy issues ( politics ) are often not as self-evidently present as they are in the United States and , second , in the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords where more than one judge sits , panels of judges change , whereas in the United States Supreme Court the same panel of nine judges hears all cases .
12 Application has reportedly not been made for CAA approval for the kit for G-AYIH or for any other UK registered aircraft .
13 That statement had been true and had in any case not been made by Moorgate Mercantile , since H.P.I. was not an agent of Moorgate Mercantile for the purpose of making such a statement .
14 Swan , who had not been invited to Grunte 's party , or to Andrew Neil 's , or to anyone else 's , took himself into the Lanes where he ate a plate of fish , chips and Heinz tomato sauce and drank two pints of lager .
15 Grunte , to whom the suggestion had not been made , and who had not been invited to Archer 's bloody party in the first place , watched the novelist return to his table .
16 He has eliminated a whole ‘ study section ’ , which included works after , and attributed to , Ribera ; there are no prints , and a number of paintings , which in Naples were hung as autograph , have not been invited to Spain .
17 Until this moment , that theft had not been connected with Alice .
18 They could now field a team featuring only two players , Nunnerley and the captain Tim Crothers , who have not been recognised by Wales .
19 But these unions have not been recognised by BR for negotiating purposes and their impact has been limited .
20 After talks in Moscow on Nov. 7 the Greek and Russian Foreign Ministers , Michalis Papaconstantinou and Andrei Kozyrev respectively , initialled a bilateral agreement on friendship and co-operation which had been signed between Greece and the former Soviet Union but had not been ratified by Russia .
21 They won that Test — and have not been beaten by England since , chalking up seven more victories and five draws .
22 The unprecedented exhibition at the Australian National Gallery until 25 October , ‘ The age of Angkor : Treasures from the National Museum of Cambodia ’ , shows thirty-three stone and bronze works that have not been seen outside Cambodia before .
23 The rest of the Battalion arrived at intervals including some of the missing men of A company who had not been seen since Waterloo .
24 He had not been seen since Castle Menzies .
25 Ms Rubiya Sayeed , aged 21 , has not been seen since Friday night , when she was seized by seven gunmen from a minibus in the state capital , Srinagar .
26 Dennis Garvey , who worked for Eagle Star in Cheltenham has not been seen since Monday night .
27 Tax , which will start at 59 per cent , will climb to such rates as have not been seen since Roy Jenkins with his 103 per cent ‘ top slice ’ .
28 Such figures had not been seen in Germany since the early 1950s and , as elsewhere in Europe , heavy industry was worst hit .
29 ‘ The sidh have not been seen in Ireland since my own father 's day , but they are still here , Fergus .
30 And although they have not been seen in Ireland for many years , sometimes they are heard .
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