Example sentences of "not the [noun] [prep] man " in BNC.

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1 Easily enough said with hindsight , but then Eric William was not the kind of man who hid his talents behind a bushel , for as Ivar Oxaal noticed , ‘ Eric Williams was always fundamentally , legally , morally and intellectually right ’ while his opponents were ‘ usually incompetent , malicious , and weak-willed creatures ’ who ‘ are reduced to an incoherent blubbering as the omnipotent young black colonial reduces their arguments to ashes . ’
2 Clive Kemp was not the kind of man to inspire such respectful , obedient haste .
3 Alexander Vass was not the kind of man whom she was likely to involve in such a fantasy .
4 And he was certainly not the kind of man she would want as a father for her daughter !
5 One neighbour said : ‘ He was not the kind of man you associate with James Bond activities . ’
6 SERAFIN : But then you 're not the kind of man who would wish to arouse painful feelings in other people , so let's find some more plausible circumstance .
7 ‘ Corporal ’ — her voice was clear and could have been that of a schoolteacher reprimanding — ‘ I have n't much opinion of my legs , but I can assure you you are not the type of man I would allow within parade ground distance of them , let alone pull them . ’
8 My wife is sure Maurin 's not the type of man to be violent and that the men who came were n't sent by him . ’
9 Alexander Vass was not the type of man who would identify with the needs of his female staff .
10 Giles , in spite of his charm , was not the type of man she admired , still less the type with whom she could fall in love .
11 Art is not , as the metaphysicians say , the manifestation of some Idea of beauty or God ; it is not , as the aesthetic physiologists say , a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy ; it is not the expression of man 's emotions by external signs ; it is not the production of pleasing objects ; and , above all , it is not pleasure but it is a means of union among men joining them together in the same feelings , and indispensable for the life and progress towards wellbeing of individuals and humanity .
12 Giles Hawick was not the sort of man you could flatten easily , and if you managed it , he would not pop up , bright , smiling and bearing no grudge , to face you the next ti me .
13 Coleby was a shark , not the sort of man to pay more when he could pay less .
14 He was not the sort of man who gets sentimental about old friendships .
15 And the reason he remains friends with his ex-wives and lovers is that he 's a man 's man , essentially , he 's not the sort of man who would not have women friends around him unless they had , in some way , been involved with him .
16 Cool-headed and light-hearted about life , Zeelenberg is not the sort of man to have been worried by the doubters .
17 The House of Commons accepted him as a quiet , agreeable member of some substance , not the sort of man who would ever dominate in debate , or who would lead a school of thought , but a man who with three or four others might constitute a very effective block within his party to a course or an individual of which or whom they did not approve .
18 Francis : the judge considered why Findlay had signed the interview notes and concluded that the toothache was exaggerated and that though tired he was not the sort of man who would have signed incriminating notes out of consideration for his solicitor .
19 He did n't keep me waiting , however ; he was not the sort of man who needed gimmicks to make his effects .
20 ‘ You 're right , Bill 's not the sort of man to include information like that in casual conversation .
21 Because he 's not the sort of man you can bully … ’
22 But then Paul is not the sort of man to talk about his private life at work .
23 He 's not the sort of man you order around ! ’
24 ‘ Well , she might have been angry with him , ’ Adele chattered on , ‘ but he 's not the sort of man one can ignore , is he ?
25 You 're not the sort of man who likes to get into trouble , are you ? ’
26 He is not the sort of man you wait to see what he will do to you .
27 It was a relief to attend to his words and not his presence , although he was not the sort of man to be easily put from the mind .
28 Therefore on one side we must assert the authority of the Bible over man and the Church , and not the authority of man and the Church over the Bible .
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