Example sentences of "not [be] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ brain and skills drain ’ may not be to the government 's liking because the evidence suggests that about 30,000 people will emigrate abroad , taking considerable assets with them .
2 It is quite natural for all human beings to seek the company of their peers , but surely this should not be to the exclusion of contact with people of all ages .
3 This would not be to the exclusion of other World Religions which would be included in their appropriate curricular area .
4 You must not be under the influence of alcohol during the course of your duties .
5 There was a realisation that the mantle of radicalism had been seized from the Liberal Party and that the main political division of the twentieth century would not be between the Tories and the Liberals but between Labour and anti-Labour .
6 Mr Smith insisted the vote was about Mr Major , not Europe : ‘ How can a motion , which attracted the threat of a general election , not be about the credibility , competence , and authority of the Government ? ’
7 Boundedness is not necessarily a quality of the process of institution itself : the same process or institution will not be beyond the boundary to those who are a part of it ; to them , it will be a part of everyday experience , while to others , not a part of it , it will be beyond the boundaries of home-ground .
8 This would mean that a marriage did exist ; but doubtless it would not be beyond the wit of the courts to arrange things so that the question of ancillary relief received short shrift .
9 No doubt it would not be beyond the wit of nature to join up the cellulose molecules sideways with primary chemical bonds so that it would be thoroughly tied together and would have much the same strength in every direction .
10 It should not be beyond the wit of woman ( and man ) to devise more adequate forms of compensation .
11 Lastly , it should not be beyond the capacity of the SNBTS ( undoubtedly the most efficient in Britain and , therefore , quite possibly the world ) to devise a system whereby those who wish their blood to stay with the NHS can be satisfied .
12 As later events were to show , the Valois monarchy had its weaknesses and the successful assertion of Edward 's claim might not be beyond the bounds of possibility .
13 Although chain hotels are often constrained by bulk purchasing agreements and central decision making , it should not be beyond the imagination of those involved to make each property memorable through small design details such as prints or lighting .
14 Because stores need to restock hot CDs quickly , the savings from buying abroad would not be worth the delay in delivery .
15 If there are small administrative costs of changing prices ( so-called ‘ menu costs ’ ) , it may not be worth the firm changing its price as the adjustment costs may dominate the small gain in profitability .
16 A sound company in a faltering market may not be worth the price .
17 This is not a practical way to run a paper and pencil address book because it 's not possible to turn directly to the 3423rd character in a book , and the saving in space would not be worth the tedium involved .
18 Biddy said gently , ‘ She may not be worth the trouble , Pip . ’
19 And by then , surely , it would not be worth the trouble .
20 In relation to the timetable of events included in the agreement , time will not be of the essence but ( in accordance with the general law ) may be made so through the service of notice providing a reasonable extension of time .
21 Generally the period for serving the counternotice will not be of the essence ( Davstone ( Holdings ) Ltd v Al-Rifai ( 1976 ) 32 P & CR 18 ) even where the clause also provides that in the absence of a counternotice the tenant is deemed to have agreed the rent specified in the landlord 's notice ( Mecca Leisure Ltd v Renown Investments ( Holdings ) Ltd ( 1984 ) 271 EG 989 ) .
22 He meant that the deepest and profoundest truth , the truth that ultimately matters and is in the end really worth grasping , can not be of the sort that can be contemplated and appropriated in an attitude of serene detachment .
23 My most abiding memory will not be of the joy of the French , but the terrible sight of Pete Sampras ' face at the prize giving ceremony which looked as if he had come into intimate contact with an atom bomb .
24 " Payment in " shall not be mentioned in the pleadings and the notice must not be with the pleadings or documents for the use of the court at the trial or arbitration until after its decision , except in the case of a defence of tender , or the filing of a plea under the Libel Acts ( Ord 11 , r 7 ) .
25 And intervention need not be with the drill .
26 Please note that Susannah Harsanyi ( who was listed on the cast/crew list we sent you last week ) will not be with the party .
27 5–12–1877 " It was considered whether it would not be for the advantage of the congregation to hold the services on the Sabbath in the school house during the winter months where they could have the comfort of a fire .
28 Any change they brought would not be for the good .
29 I will not be for the lessening of it , and if I do I know I less my crown , for we must march together " .
30 They missed the train connection in Glasgow which meant that they could not be at the hotel by seven o'clock .
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