Example sentences of "not [be] [verb] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The flat rate addition will not be charged on supplies between flat rate farmers .
2 Charles Tennant ( 1768–1838 ) was the sixth son of old John Tennant and could not be employed on Glenconner Farm .
3 G Those discussions were fitted into a regular CDP meeting which itself discussed ‘ polytechnic autonomy ’ , and in which a variety of views were recorded — the institutions were at different stages of development ; the CNAA had established national status and its degrees were accepted currency ; the CNAA was known to be giving serious attention to ways and means of giving greater freedoms to experienced colleges ; emphasis should not be placed on charters as such … .
4 It is submitted that the judgment can not be supported on principle , though , as regards the particular application of the principle , but no further , it must be taken to be law in any court of first instance .
5 Never have I seen a happier set of fellows , and with an equal share of luck we shall not be defeated on Saturday . ’
6 And because education is thought by some people to be unique , its very isolation seems to justify the fact that its management should not be evaluated on lines comparable to the management of business , industry or other spheres of large-scale public work .
7 Such judgements should not be based on opinions about the ‘ quality of life ’ as in this case .
8 It may be true that some dictionaries are more suitable for language processing than others , but such distinctions should not be based on size alone .
9 it stresses that risk should not be based on job title or place of work but on the extent to which there is actual physical exposure to the following substances :
10 Indeed , aware of the harsh criticisms made of its sister Corporation in London Docklands , concerning the distribution of employment opportunities ( Peat , Marwick , McLintock , 1987 ) , affordable housing for local people ( National Audit Office , 1988 ) and democratic accountability ( Nicholson , 1989 ) the local regeneration lobby is united in a consensus that the acutely uneven development characteristic of London Docklands should not be replicated on Merseyside .
11 One snag is that some statistical tests , especially calculations of sample error , can not be made on quota sampling because they are not based on random sampling .
12 Although BST is said to be safe and effective , the Commission says its use to produce " turbocharged " cows , capable of producing 20 per cent more milk , can not be justified on animal welfare or economic grounds at a time of overproduction by the EC 's dairy farmers .
13 Accordingly your refusal to concur in Robertson 's telegram is approved and you are requested to inform SAC that we are strongly of the opinion that such contemplated violation of agreed Anglo-American policy can not be justified on grounds of administrative expediency . "
14 Mistakes made by confusing and mixing units are very prevalent , so this conversion should be the first part of the answer to the question ; it should not be done on scraps of paper .
15 LIVERPOOL against Manchester United , one of the brightest jewels in ITV 's Barclays League programming , will almost certainly not be seen on television this season .
16 Israel 's Foreign Minister David Levi , also responding to Baker 's statement , had said that " peace can not be imposed on Israel " .
17 In addition to this , the chief secretary to the Treasury has also confirmed that VAT will not be imposed on books , newspapers or periodicals . ’
18 The Committee of Privileges found this to be a contempt but no action was taken when the General Secretary of the Union gave assurances that sanctions would not be imposed on M.P.s .
19 Please note — prizes can not be accepted on Saturdays .
20 Once you are a policyholder , premiums will not be increased on account of age or the number of claims made .
21 The attractions of gems such as the world-beating paints business , embedded in the rump ICI , will not be lost on predators .
22 The attractions of gems such as the world-beating paints business will not be lost on predators
23 The significance of this comparative quiet will not be lost on party leaders as they prepare for provincial elections in the next 18 months .
24 Perhaps this successful example of a real market reflecting environmental concern will not be lost on policy makers .
25 The judgement led one observer to point out ruefully that there now existed a situation where two tribunals faced with similar circumstances could quite reasonably come to different conclusions , and that their rulings could not be overturned on appeal in the Interests of consistency ( IRS , 1985a ) .
26 With some fish , but particularly carp , a situation was apparent whereby they refused to accept a bait on strong tackle , but could not be landed on tackle fine enough to fool them .
27 It also proves that the Trust 's mountaineering benefactor , the late Percy Unna , was right when in his enlightened ‘ Rules ’ he said such structures should not be built on mountain properties .
28 But mass movements can not be built on denunciation alone , and few people believed that ‘ worker 's power ’ was on the immediate agenda .
29 Would we not be touching on areas that are sub judice , or which are the subject of possible legal action , which may or may not be taken ?
30 It will not be levied on fuels for export , non-fuel uses of fossil fuels , or renewable sources like solar , geothermal , wind or biomass energy .
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