Example sentences of "not [be] [verb] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 If agreement to purchase land needed for particular projects can not be secured and a compulsory purchase order is made , persons affected may object .
2 Such detail will not be volunteered as a general rule .
3 The original trust deed can not be traced but a more recent trust deed dated 1 October 1984 provides that the trustees are to hold the trust property , comprising the premises of the school and any additional site that may be acquired , for the purposes of a Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided School to be conducted in accordance with the Education Acts .
4 The question to be asked then is , given that women are unlike Jesus of Nazareth in the form of their humanity , may it not be said that a woman baptized into Christ is not differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ ?
5 In an article written in support of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in the United States , Richard Norris , whose scholarship I have just mentioned , argues that the tenets of patristic Christology are such that it can not be said that a baptized woman is differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ .
6 But because the correspondence between graphological and phonological features is far from precise , it can not be said that a writer has actually represented the speech style of a character .
7 It can not be said that a warm relationship developed between the Minister and the doctors .
8 It could not be said that a peace had been finally made because old habits in Alexandra would not die a final death and made her still reserved , a little wary .
9 This realization has led to a great deal of debate and , although it can not be said that a general consensus has been reached on how best to define development , a good deal of light has been shed on the processes involved in different types of development .
10 that it can not be assumed that a paper print out of an electronic record from these systems is the same as the electronic version , on the grounds that the paper version does not bring with it the context that gives the information provenance and credibility .
11 It had been learnt that progress could not be made if a member state objected strenuously to a particular part of a programme .
12 The General Commissioners dismissed the taxpayers ' appeal , accepting the Crown 's arguments that there was one practice and that an election under para 21(2) could not be made where a trade was split into two .
13 In the type of market situation examined here , it can not be justified if a cost-leadership policy based on a belief in the experience curve is pursued .
14 Percutaneous aspiration cytology has been reported as confirming malignancy in about two thirds of pancreatic cancers and one half of bile duct tumours but can not be done unless a mass lesion is established on imaging .
15 There is therefore a risk that good items will not be accepted and a risk that bad quality items will be accepted .
16 There is therefore a risk that good items will not be accepted and a risk that bad quality items will be accepted .
17 The unique implication of this view is that associability will not be lost when a stimulus is followed by inconsistent consequences .
18 A large vertical shaft plunges suddenly and without prior warning at the bottom of a steep-sided and unfenced crater ; a slip could not be checked and a falling body would be swallowed by the black gulf and not come to rest until hitting the boulder floor 340 feet below .
19 There could be nothing more suspicious than a Secretary of State or one of his administrative officials deciding for political or administrative reasons that a particular accident should not be investigated when a vital matter of air safety was at issue .
20 An offence will not be committed when a defective lamp or reflector is found on a vehicle in use on a road during daytime hours if such a lamp or reflector became defective during the journey which is in progress or if arrangements have been made to remedy the defect with all reasonable expedition .
21 Third , a relatively small amount of assistance at the earlier rounds could also occur if the Bank estimates of the shortage were unusually uncertain : for example , it might not be known whether a particular tax payment were to be passed through the money market on that day .
22 Third , it must not be overlooked that a doctor is a professional whose training predisposes him to ‘ save ’ lives and treat the sick .
23 A gamma spectrometer can not be used because a hole about 5 cm in diameter is required for the probe ; it is extremely hard work to drill the 1 cm hole needed for a capsule , and anything larger would be impossible !
24 Moreover , DNA testing for employment purposes should not be performed if a large ethnic group would suffer .
25 In many cases it will be impossible to make sufficient disclosure at the commencement of the relationship as material information which has to be disclosed will not be known and can not be predicted until a particular conflict arises .
26 The importance of this can not be underestimated and a qualitative assessment by the investors is essential before the lawyers and accountants become involved .
27 Along with the established azodye processes , the company also produces intermediates using nitration , sulphonation , chlorination , oxidation , amination and catalytic reactions and as such CAC can not be described as a single technology company .
28 Such a process can not be described as a set of sub-activities connected by unidirectional communications .
29 Although it may be argued that a meaningful measure of comprehensive income can not be provided unless a full system of current value accounting is employed , the introduction of the SCFW is likely to encourage the preparers of financial statements to move away from the historical cost system and to value relevant assets at current values .
30 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where a business is run from the same building and the public have access .
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