Example sentences of "not [adv] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
2 All these questions relate to a captain 's last Test as captain , not necessarily to the last Test in which he played .
3 Too much attention had been given to the short-term goals of profitability and not enough to the long-term effects on the environment of industrial waste , chemical spillage and oil and petrol pollution .
4 Let me repeat the thesis being developed : namely , that marriage as an institution should be extended , on the basis of the argument presented , not only to the transsexual , but also to homosexual unions .
5 But it is not only to the institutionalised abuse of animals that we must turn if we are progressively to disengage ourselves .
6 The Bogomil heresy , which first appeared in Macedonia during the tenth century , was a disruptive force not only to the Byzantine Church but also to those rulers — Bulgar , Serb or Byzantine — whose authority was derived from the spiritual sanction of the Patriarch of Constantinople .
7 Equally plainly , in this view disobedience is literally world-shattering ; to transgress or deviate from the law of nature , to ‘ fail , or swerve ’ ( i. 185 ) from one 's allotted course , is a perversion which brings ruin not only to the transgressive agent , but to every other dependent entity .
8 The CNAA was by then ‘ on the move not only to the greater degree of independence in validation implied by the debate on Partnership in Validation but also towards different forms of validation , more in tune with the situation of higher education in the late seventies ’ .
9 Businesses which are Prestel information providers will be able to supply information on their products not only to the general public but also to select groups within a particular business or profession , Travel agents , for example , already use the Prestel service extensively .
10 I refer not only to the substantial amount of money that was made available , resulting in a £45 per week rise for nursing homes , which cost us a total of £225 million , but to the amendment that allowed the Secretary of State , after community care had been in place for some time , to take account of the local authorities ' assessments of reasonable rates and of their experiences in general .
11 This applies not only to the small number of the very old who live in three-generational households , although that throws up some particular issues and problems , it is equally relevant when there are triangular interactions , such as husband , wife and old person , or to situations when the old person lives alone but is closely supported by kin .
12 Oh , the patient looked a mess , but Kath had seen the enormous care that had gone into the alignment of each suture , the meticulous attention not only to the innumerable tiny little muscle fibres , nerves and blood vessels but to laughter lines and wrinkles to ensure that the tissues were realigned as closely as possible to their original position .
13 Will he confirm that the inquiry will be wide ranging and will pay close attention not only to the environmental impact of the proposed lines but to whether they are needed at all for the national grid to meet its licence standards ?
14 This vast popularity was a testament not only to the striking and disturbing nature of Wells 's ideas , but to the way he handled them .
15 Despite the undoubted hardship , not only to the famous such as the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West and other hon. Members , but to those who are known only to their families — I know from correspondence that many ordinary people suffer hardship because of what is said and done in court cases — I suggest to the House that we interfere with this at our peril , and at peril to our liberties and system of open justice .
16 These amendments are a response not only to the recent EEC Directive on Coordinating the Regulation of Insider Dealing in Member States , but also represent an attempt to remedy certain perceived defects in the current legislation .
17 The original definition contained 129 words , related not only to the financial sense ( i.e. charge as in ’ require payment ’ ) but also to the ’ electrical charge ’ sense and the ’ military charge ’ sense , etc .
18 To read how my own ancestors lived in the time of the Tudors and the Stuarts and to even learn that they occupied the 10th pew adjoining the South Wall in the Myddle Church has been the inspiration to write down some reminiscences of my own childhood and of the stories related to me , in the hope that they will be of interest , not only to the present generation , but maybe , also to that 500 years hence !
19 The basic principles of correction and praise apply not only to the well-balanced puppy , but also to the adult dog who has been acquired second-hand .
20 The astonishing speed with which the two brother radicals developed their Pantisocratic scheme was testimony not only to the transforming effect they had on one another , but to the very weak foundations upon which the whole enterprise rested .
21 Cats are not particularly popular there , it seems , and this particular breed became smaller and smaller as an adaptation not only to the hot climates but also to the need to find restricted hiding-places .
22 And that , I reflected on the final leg , enveloped in air-conditioned heat and six-speaker stereo sound , is why the Discovery is so uniquely suited , not only to the rough and tumble of off-road riding , but also to the equal rigours of life in Knightsbridge and Notting Hill Gate .
23 ( a ) The ground of the unsuitability of the applicant applies not only to the actual applicant but also , where the applicant is not an individual person , to the person named in the application as the person to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises under the provisions of 5.11 and to the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the premises are run .
24 And this new form of entertainment was available not only to the ordinary citizens of the Republic but to the innumerable foreigners who came for commerce or pleasure .
25 Given the size of large corporations , this is impossible , owing not only to the cognitive limits of human beings , which can tolerate only a severely bounded form of rationality ( March and Simon , 1958 , ch. 7 ) , but also to ‘ process limits ’ .
26 This is simply saying that each market participant , in laying his buying or selling plans , must pay careful heed not only to the prospective decisions of those to whom he hopes to sell or from whom he hopes to buy — as an implication of the latter — also to the prospective decisions of others whose decisions to sell or to buy may compete with his own .
27 Without it , human diseases picked up by contact with their late owners could easily have been spread not only to the other apes at the station but to forest-living orangs with whom they mixed .
28 Marley had a revolutionary 's zeal and a charismatic presence which made him an intensely romantic figure not only to the young blacks whose predicament he articulated , but also to the white rock audience .
29 I refer not only to the fact that the match started with two wides , courtesy of Chris Lewis ; not only to the strange sight of an opening bowler in odd socks ( Neil Mallender black left sock , white right sock ) ; not only to the fact that England had no player with three initials for the first time since the third Test against New Zealand in 1990 , the selectors having left out Salisbury and having sent get-well-soon messages to DeFreitas , Tufnell and Fraser ; not only to the fact that Mallender joined the huge list of Test opening bowlers with a double ‘ I ’ in their name ( a list that in recent years has included Dilley , Allott , Small , Williams and Ellison : expect Millns to add his name to the pile soon .
30 They must not be allowed to train a new and superior élite , and free places in them ( when and where they are introduced ) should go not only to the cleverest but to those who need a boarding education .
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