Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb infin] to the " in BNC.

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1 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
2 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
3 The keyword LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE does not necessarily relate to the CHECKED-BY keyword in the MODIFICATIONS-RECORDS field of the module referenced , but is purely for the user 's information .
4 A charter party did not necessarily attest to the ownership of the goods shipped because the charterer might not have been a shipper , but merely a lessor of space .
5 The terms ‘ old age ’ and ‘ retirement ’ are often used interchangeably , but they do not necessarily refer to the same things .
6 The results of delegation of power from LEA to schools need not necessarily lead to the sorts of negative effects for teachers outlined above .
7 It might even come to be accepted that the discovery of flaws in the original investigation need not necessarily lead to the dropping of charges but may , instead , strengthen the case against the suspect through discovery of fresh evidence or by plugging of gaps in the original investigation .
8 The course writer 's patterning , whether overt or covert , does not necessarily lead to the patterning he intends the learner to produce .
9 The government had the right to control private investment in the interests of society , and Courtauld agreed with Beveridge that to surrender this freedom would not necessarily lead to the erosion of others .
10 In general , it is more difficult to trace adoption breakdown than foster home breakdown , as the families concerned will not necessarily return to the agencies involved in the original placement .
11 However , please note that holidays do not necessarily return to the same port of departure .
12 In discussing the various types of eruption that are generally recognized , it was emphasized that labels such as ‘ Strombolian ’ or ‘ Plinian ’ should only be applied to recognizable phases of an eruption ; they may not necessarily apply to the whole thing .
13 Be they housing visitors , social workers , doctors , or , as in this case , teachers , all these personnel will have ideas which do not necessarily conform to the views prevailing within higher echelons of power .
14 They can be easily reconfigured between different product lines ( Cohen and Zysman , 1987 : ch. 9 ) and do not necessarily conform to the linear layout .
15 However its findings do not necessarily point to the inevitability of NT on sheer merit , but because of the marketing clout Microsoft is credited with having .
16 The main points arising from this are that : ( 1 ) the vowel system is totally different from mainstream British English in terms of vowel-length , vowel-height , diphthongization and other properties ( for example , vowel-length is not usually contrastive , as it is alleged to be in RP , and so most vowel-phonemes , such as /e/ , as in gate , save , are realized as considerably longer or shorter allophones according to consonantal environment ) ; ( 2 ) allophones of phonemes can overlap phonetically with allophones of other phonemes in a manner that is not permitted by classical phoneme theory ( Bloomfield , 1933 ) ; ( 3 ) lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same vowel phoneme classes as they do in RP and SBE ( for example , whereas good and food have different vowels in most SBE , they have the same vowel in Ulster English ) ; and ( 4 ) many sets of lexical items exhibit vowel alternations , in that the vowels in these items are realizations of two different phonemes .
17 The second reason for this relative complexity is that , as we have already noticed , given lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same sets as in ‘ standard ’ English .
18 However , those who share the same class situation will not necessarily belong to the same status group .
19 We can not rightly attribute to the Spirit any teaching which does not shed light on Jesus , or any religious experience which is not congruous with the life of Jesus .
20 3.18 The consideration that loss of amenities may be more serious for someone already disabled than for someone who is not does not only apply to the elderly .
21 Sir Austin Pearce , one of the NRM 's guardians , told us via muffled a Tannoy ( uncannily similar to a real station announcement ) that the NRM would not merely look to the past , but also to the present and the future of rail .
22 I am sorry to say that the hon. Gentleman did not just stoop to the gutter in terms of smearing my hon. Friend : he used a series of inaccurate figures .
23 The one-flesh nature of the relationship does not just refer to the sexuality of marriage ; although sexuality in marriage is both an expression and symbol of that oneness .
24 Do not just go to the solicitor who did you conveyancing , or walk into your nearest solicitor 's firm on the high street .
25 What precisely he could do about it was not immediately clear since even the Mamur Zapt 's writ did not normally extend to the domestic relationship between man and wife .
26 If battles , in themselves , did not usually lead to the achievements of such goals , what would ?
27 Apart from the Quakers , and sometimes the Roman Catholics , the Old Dissenting sects did not usually object to the baptism , marriage and burial services of the Established Church and therefore Dissenters appear in Church of England registers like anyone else .
28 It did not usually occur to the client that DPR might be prospering from his losses .
29 The lesson of the porcupine quills ( and for an actual example of how not to do it read my Zen There was Murder , if after all these years you can find a copy ) is that any part of your book that you do not directly present to the reader ought to be thought out in imaginative terms , just as thoroughly as you have used your imagination to make whatever you have written fully credible .
30 Military expenditure is seen as dysfunctional for the overall performance of the economy because it does not directly contribute to the balance of payments .
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