Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That Sri Lankans were involved in much litigation and that the judicial system was based on alien principles can not be denied , but contemporaries did not successfully explain the link between these two facts .
2 Stewart does not successfully refute the statement that the principal reason for the difference between the 1988 and 1990 forecasts was the reduction in HIV transmission among homosexual/bisexual men in the mid-1980s , the extent of which only became apparent between the reports .
3 But if politicians can not successfully steer the agenda , then that reflects a professional failure for which the price may be high .
4 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
5 She did not altogether like the sound of this .
6 While this did not expressly exclude the Minority Movement , the growth of Communist-led " rank and file movements " did in effect bring an end to the MM and to all formal Party subsidiaries within the unions .
7 Where the lease itself does not expressly fix the lessor with notice of the partnership 's interest , the individual named lessee may be liable as principal .
8 Both the defendants and the Bank of England , while not expressly acknowledging the link , invite the court to proceed for present purposes on the assumption that without the defendants ' breach the Bank of England would not have issued the section 39 notice in its present form .
9 Even if the courts do not wholly embrace the theory of extensive review , the way is now open for review of the evidence supporting the decision-maker 's findings .
10 On this point , however , he did not follow her , for he clearly took her to be complaining of the endemic tediousness of all lectures , rather than of the inadequacy of this particular lot : he equally clearly did not wholly concede the point , for he said , faintly , falsely , without enthusiasm , " Oh yes , I suppose they were .
11 It does not wholly undermine the principle though it does leave it somewhat tarnished .
12 If Churchill , even at the end of 1951 , did not wholly discount the possibility of a pre-emptive attack by the USSR , he was beginning to see American impulsiveness as a more likely cause of conflict .
13 But even the most abstract thinker does not wholly escape the need to impregnate thought with joy .
14 Yet even the most productive thoughts and even the bravest of responses to the new dimensions of my predicament could not wholly keep the chill out of my bones or push away the icier gloom from above my head .
15 Cooking , particularly boiling , reduces but does not wholly remove the firmness of food .
16 The other major weakness of the proposals is that they do not properly identify the nature of the problem .
17 But even this low figure , which was officially quoted as being the number of entrants , did not properly represent the situation .
18 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
19 I live on the banks of the Lea and I can not properly tell the House what an amazing joy it is to wake up every morning and look over the marshes .
20 He believed it to work in scenes rather than in its entirety , and in a lecture some years later he criticized himself for not properly developing the action and for failing to adapt the classical theme to a contemporary situation .
21 Record-breaking and the alleged mania for quantification can not properly explain the appeal of sport .
22 In our view this directive does not properly tackle the cruelty of the veal crate and we voted against it .
23 He has not properly investigated the target 's dining facilities .
24 The reason in both cases why the security given was unenforceable was that ( a ) the security was given by the wife of the debtor , ( b ) the creditor knew of the relationship , ( c ) the creditor had done nothing to ensure that the wife understand the transaction , ( d ) the wife did not properly understand the transaction , and ( e ) she had had no independent advice .
25 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
26 It did not properly highlight the nature of the church or the church 's mission to the world .
27 ( Incidentally if the number 30 031 has no special significance for you , I think I can safely claim that you have not properly settled the conjecture following 1.3.10 . )
28 It is perhaps not widely appreciated the effect deforestation can have on a country like Ethiopia .
29 Second , against the prevailing liberal optimism of their time , they argued that the transition to an industrialized society with a system of representative democracy could not fundamentally alter the stratification of society into a ruling elite and a mass .
30 The Bill provides a little extra competition and regulation on the margin , but it does not fundamentally transform the regime .
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