Example sentences of "not [adj] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) One might wish to argue that in both cases the accused was not dishonest towards the shop .
2 Even if the accused does not fall within s.2(1) , he may still be not dishonest for the purposes of the Act .
3 The courts have held that if there is no evidence that the accused believed that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary people , the judge need not give a direction in Ghosh terms : Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 on handling ; Price ( 1989 ) 90 Cr App R 409 on deception ; and Squire [ 1990 ] Crim LR 341 on conspiracy to defraud .
4 The jury , however , does not ask whether the accused believed he was acting with the relevant state of mind , but under the Theft Acts as well as offences of fraud the jury must acquit if the accused believed that what he did was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
5 Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 held that the second stage of the Ghosh test does not have to be given in handling cases if there is no evidence that the accused did believe that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
6 A claim of a moral right to the asset does not fall within s.2(1) ( a ) , but may be not dishonest within the principles to be discussed shortly .
7 Unless you install one of the cheaper d-i-y types , double glazing is not cost-effective from the insulation point of view .
8 ‘ Our levels of absenteeism are not untypical of the London area , ’ says Dennis Tunnicliffe , the managing director of London Underground ; ‘ And that 's enough to cause some noise in the system . ’
9 Sylvia , currently in Moss Side , is not untypical of the women in special hospitals today .
10 And this kind of process , one might add , is not untypical of the career of theories in natural science .
11 The social services tradition of top-down capital programming , which was not untypical at the time , was replaced by one in which most new services were — at minimum — strongly influenced by a bottom-up CMHT input ; an input characterized by detailed knowledge of people 's real needs , preferences and capacities .
12 These problems were not strange to the Prague School , who were working on the semiotics of art about twenty years before Barthes .
13 Who has not experienced some gut upset before an exam , a marriage , or other stressful emotional event ? 40 years ago Almy showed that stress could alter gut function but that these changes were not specific to the stress .
14 Of course , blues-derived rock was not specific to the counterculture .
15 These attitudes are probably not specific to the South Wales population studied as it seems among the population at large there is a general antipathy towards institutional care .
16 Many of the issues raised in the study are not specific to the problem under analysis but have much wider implications .
17 Seasonal peaks are not specific to the service sector ; they are to be found in certain parts of manufacturing — particularly In food processing but also in a number of consumer goods industries -and in agriculture .
18 Sensitization is a generalized process , for after such a shock the animal 's responses are not specific to the touch or the water squirt ; instead reactions to a wide variety of mild stimuli all become exaggerated .
19 This will be difficult to arrange and will certainly not be efficient , but personally I am not sorry at the turn events have taken .
20 I 'm just telling you so you 're not moody on the phone
21 The rise in the number of rectal isolates of N gonorrhoeae in men reported for England and Wales in 1990 is not attributable to an increase in the number of reporting laboratories , and the marked shift in the male to female ratio of cases from which these isolates were obtained is unlikely to be caused by changes in the catchment population .
22 The date of the move of the tender , though imminent , is not definite at the moment .
23 Though mischief or simply tomfoolery played a large part in his life , he was certainly not track-mischievous in the way Niki Lauda was .
24 His dress was not normal for the City .
25 Corrigan and Frith ( CCCS , 1975 , p. 238 ) concluded : ‘ even if youth culture is not political in the sense of being part of a class-conscious struggle for state power , it nevertheless does provide a necessary precondition of such a struggle ’ .
26 A rights issue has the advantage of preserving shareholders ' pre-emption rights in respect of a new issue of the offeror 's shares , whereas this is not possible with a cash underwritten alternative unless accompanied by an open offer and clawback ( see below ) .
27 This is not possible with a cash underwritten alternative unless it is accompanied by an open offer and clawback ( see para 5.6 above ) .
28 This is not possible as a part number must be unique .
29 University protocol means it 's not possible for a degree to be collected by proxy , but the attention her nomination brings to her cause is welcomed by her husband who was at the ceremony .
30 But surely it 's not possible for a man to live so long ? ’
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