Example sentences of "not [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She rarely smiled but this was not through a lack of good nature : her responsibilities had given her a serious expression .
2 Jesus liberated not through a programme of political activism , but simply through his spoken word .
3 The firm is able to act within the FSA but unlike traditional lead advisers ( i.e. the merchant banks ) is governed by an Institute and not as a member of the Stock Exchange or Securities and Futures Authority .
4 Not as a member of the human race , but you matter to God as an individual , as a person with all your strengths , your weaknesses , with all our peculiarities and our points , as individuals , we matter to God !
5 A fixed charge may of course be attacked as a preference where it is given to secure past value but not as a transaction at an undervalue since the assets of the company are not diminished by the creation of the charge .
6 A student of mine who saw the Hollywood film Witness , which featured the Amish community , wondered whether we should think of their way of life not as a residue of the past but the way of the future !
7 ‘ But there are powerful arguments for custody , not as a sentence of first resort but certainly as one weapon in the ‘ armoury ’ .
8 A lecturer normally owns the copyright in any book or article he writes because he is primarily employed as a teacher and not as a writer of books and articles , even though his employer may encourage this .
9 The octopus has no trace of a shell within the flesh of its body , but one species , the argonaut , secretes from one of its arms a marvellous paper-thin version shaped very like a nautilus shell but without chambers , which it uses not as a home for itself but as a delicate floating chalice in which to lay its eggs .
10 Can it ever come to life again , not as a bait and hook for politicians to use , not as a shouting for soccer fans ?
11 It is an exploration of [ a ] vocabulary … which has been inherited within precise social and historical conditions and which has to be made at once conscious and critical — subject to change as well as continuity — if the millions of people in whom it is active are to see it as active : not as a tradition to be learned , nor a consensus to be accepted ; … but as a vocabulary to use , to find our ways in , to change as we find it necessary to change it , as we go on making our own language and history .
12 In each of these examples the speaker is producing an utterance which is relevant not as a description of a state of affairs but as a representation of another utterance which it resembles .
13 This book shows something of what has emerged out of religious interpretations of death , not as a history of death but as an indication of what lies at the root of the major religious traditions , lending to each its characteristic style .
14 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
15 No : the revolution would have come , if it was to come at all , only if the resources available to the forces for change , the unions , had been enough to enable them to seize and hold the means of production , and if they had had the will to employ those resources ; not as a thief in the night but in a scene of anarchy and dreadful confusion of which the French Revolution would have given but a faint anticipation .
16 This important change marked the introduction of the purchaser/provider split in social services practice , with the care manager clearly identified as a purchaser but not as a provider of services .
17 Accordingly , we would see our modelling approach as an input to corporate debates over resource allocation , not as a provider of prescriptive advice .
18 Both his Chancellors — the two most important figures in the Conservative Party — thought of him , not as a man of promise , but as a man who deserved some reward by virtue of his service .
19 The Jews of his day had come to see the Old Testament law not as a pointer to the life of trusting obedience in God which it was meant to be but rather a code to be scrupulously followed in every detail .
20 Mr Smith said : ‘ People should enjoy , as a right of citizenship and not as a privilege of wealth , the opportunity of a good education , the chance to find a decent job with decent pay , the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home .
21 A high bank with a ditch on one side , it was built between the estuaries of the Dee and Severn in the late eighth century by Offa , king of Mercia , not as a defence against the Welsh but to control trade across the border .
22 After all , most women do not look like cover girls , and the Jewish woman is free to be beautiful in an inner way , not as a clone of an advertisement .
23 But now Josie was gradually coming to realise that Lucy was treating it not as a metaphor for anything , but as the literal truth .
24 Speech on this account functions primarily not as a conveyor of meanings , but as incantation — in which voices have , so to speak , a magical effect independent of the meanings of words .
25 That there should be a chance for at least some children to learn Latin , not as a part of ‘ classical studies ’ , but essentially as a branch of linguistic studies , seems to me a benefit that schools should strive to preserve .
26 He saw human beings not as a mass of contradictions but as a particular sort of person — a great nobleman or a poor scholar or a spotty-faced announcer from the BBC .
27 Naturally this enforcement pattern could be justified by the inspectorate who see their primary function not as a kind of industrial police force , but more of a pastoral mission rounding up wayward factory owners and showing them the light and contentment to be gained from compliance with current standards of safety , health , and welfare required by law .
28 If we reject the idea that context is situation ( although I have accommodated the concept of situation in my definition of context ) we can treat deixis in poetry not as a kind of " pseudo-deixis ' , as some critics such as Culler ( 1974 ) have suggested , but simply as deixis framed by a particular genre .
29 Spenser wrote A View of the Present State of Ireland not as a vindication of Elizabethan policy towards Ireland but as a document highly critical of it under a necessarily respectful guise .
30 He praised the US Environmental Protection Agency — ‘ an independent body of scientists who undertake research and research evaluation as a service to government ( but not as a spokesman for government ) .
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