Example sentences of "not [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Lawson v Rolfe ( 1969 ) 46 TC 199 , it was held that stock dividends paid under a particular provision in the law of California were not income in the hands of a life tenant of an American will trust .
2 It was not income from the interest under the trust ( which would have been a foreign possession regardless of the underlying sources ) .
3 The weather was not kind to the competitors in 1987 , being very wet and stormy .
4 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
5 The essential difference between this offence and larceny is that in larceny the victim does not part with the ownership but in obtaining by false pretences he does .
6 Agreeing with Sahlins that ‘ Culture is not ordered by the primitive emotions of the hypothalamus ; it is the emotions which are organized by culture ’ ( 1977 : 13 ) , we have presented some different social orders where fighting , competition , and other violent behaviour are not part of the order , or part of the people 's ideas of what a human being is .
7 It is specified that the explanatory note is not part of the Order .
8 They decided that he was only in it for himself and was not the sort of person the comrades wanted to have with them , and definitely not part of the consensus .
9 Though these forests are equally important to the orang-utans , they are not part of the reserve .
10 Each Saturday morning Eric would fly to Udine from Rome in one of the Desert Air Force bombers , in which he nearly froze to death , then hitch a lift from there to Verona — the huge Fiat was not part of the service .
11 In El Salvador , Guatemala and Honduras , education is simply not available to substantial portions of the population , particularly the rural poor and those who are not part of the majority Spanish-speaking culture .
12 According to information received by one of the councillors who contacted your office by phone the re-siting of the seat was not part of the contract .
13 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
14 The Isle of Man in the Irish Sea and the Channel Islands between Great Britain and France are largely self-governing ; they are not part of the United Kingdom .
15 ‘ Madge brought the material back from Vienna the last time she went on a buying trip — it is not part of the Luxembourg budget , I hasten to add and , wonderful creature that she is , she threw it together on an evening when Wardrobe were n't using one of their machines . ’
16 This risk will also be lessened where the firms involved produce complementary products rather than substitutes , where there are several R&D joint ventures in the industry , and where joint marketing arrangements are not part of the agreements ( joint production may be required for productive efficiency in exploiting the R&D results ) .
17 The passages were not part of the ratio of the decision by which we are bound and with which I respectfully agree .
18 Certainly they are not part of the ratio decidendi of Butler , so that here BRS , which applies the common law principles in its ratio is to be preferred .
19 Good and bad , and even the higher good that mysticism finds everywhere , are the reflections of our own emotions on other things , not part of the substance of things as they are in themselves . ’
20 The insurance premium is not part of the holiday price , and is not recoverable .
21 However these considerations are not part of the remit of the panel .
22 The mother argued that the society could not rely on this defence as it was not part of the state .
23 Hanson has been built up into one of Britain 's leading companies over a period of twenty years based on an acquisition philosophy which involves a reduction in the acquired company 's bureaucracy , devolution of responsibility to local managers , a tight control of capital expenditure and a disposal of some of the peripheral assets which are not part of the company 's ‘ core activities ’ .
24 The spiritual values are not part of the intellect .
25 It dealt with Rastafarian spiritual entities such as Jah or with ganja ( marihuana ) which were not part of the skinhead scene .
26 Albania , although not part of the Balkans , is included with Romania and Bulgaria because of the strong similarities in the organization of rug-making in these countries and in the quality and character of their rugs .
27 Although the firm may negotiate within pre-agreed negotiating parameters or instructions on behalf of a client , it is not part of the firm 's role to take decisions for a client .
28 Although the firm may negotiate within pre-agreed negotiating parameters or instructions on behalf of a client , it is not part of the firm 's role to take decisions for a client .
29 Trade in such goods as energy supplies , for instance oil , are not part of the CU effect of membership .
30 It was not part of the Sakata residential sector , which had its own workers ' and managers ' houses where the Lomaxes lived , but was much more run-down .
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