Example sentences of "not [vb infin] him [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You must not think him ridden with angst just because , for once , he 's agreed to discuss with us the things he normally ignores .
2 ‘ They stated that they did not want him to exist in this fashion . ’
3 This is not because it is so special or secret that I do not want to divulge it — indeed the patient will remember it quite well for himself — but because I do not want him to listen to that tape at some future date and begin to regress himself when I am not there to take charge of the situation .
4 She said she did not want him staring at her , she wanted a bit of her life to herself ; without having to share it with Randolph Ash .
5 I do NOT want him going to some —
6 Death would be too kind an end for a man who has done what he has , and I do not want him to escape into it . ’
7 God knew she did not want him lowered by doubt , or by pain , or by despair , as Lulach had once seemed to accuse her .
8 At least , I did not catch him whispering to any of the other people going in and out of the place , and he did not point me out to anyone at any time .
9 This did not prevent him paying for the installation of a swimming pool to amuse his children who roamed around their new domain during the holidays .
10 Similarly , a power entitling a landlord to re-enter for " building sites or planting or other purposes " did not entitle him to re-enter in order to build a sports stadium ( Coats v Diment [ 1951 ] 1 All ER 890 ) .
11 I do not keep him tied to my apron strings . "
12 The haste , perhaps , and the diffidence both , were encouraged by his wife , who did not like him to talk of Trade , considering it to be vulgar , and yet she was pleased to note that this casual reference to wealth met with a satisfactory , if silent , response .
13 ‘ Your one-time intended 's folks , ’ she said — she did not see him wince at the Americanism ; she did not yet know him as well as Sally-Anne did .
14 The fact that Peter heard God 's voice about one thing does not stop him arguing with Jesus about the next , namely Jesus ' intention to go to the cross .
15 I will not have him to rule over me !
16 Giannis Tzortsos is a Jehovah 's Witness , whose religious beliefs do not permit him to serve in the armed forces in any capacity .
17 No matter what it cost her , she could not let him leave without trying to speak to him .
18 This was one of the voyages in which the men of science were in charge , in that the point of the expedition was scientific ; often there had been frustration among scientists on voyages because the captain 's instructions , or his interpretation of them , did not let him stay at interesting places as long as they would have liked , or put enough boats and crews at their disposal .
19 Now Whitaker must concentrate on an Olympic challenge with the charismatic grey , as Mr and Mrs Bradley , who would not let him go to Seoul , have given permission for him to compete in Barcelona .
20 It was hard to leave , too , because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me .
21 PACKIE BONNER is angry that Glasgow Celtic boss Liam Brady would not let him go on loan to Premier Division club Middlesbrough .
22 She would not let him get under her skin .
23 To Alex Harbury 's chagrin Riley would not let him work on the prison release dates story and sent him to interview a Girlie winner .
24 Boo does not conform to the community 's code because when he got into trouble at the age of 18 , his father , a very strict Baptist , undertook to punish his son himself , rather than let the law do it and for the rest of his life until he died , he kept his son away from the outside world and would not let him mix with the neighbours .
25 She would not let him trample over her !
26 Well , yes , I mean I can remember having a friend in Oxford who was schizophrenic and to be quite frank he needed to be certified and we could not get him to go to the doctors , and when he did he told sufficient stories that the doctor home with eye drops because he was seeing things .
27 He would have liked to join them as he was tired of being a lurking Briton but his sense of loyalty would not allow him to defect to the other side .
28 But in addition , when they reached Lyons , the king 's messenger told Anselm that the king would not allow him to return to England unless he promised to observe the customs of the kingdom as they had been in the time of Rufus .
29 Whenever Annunciata came to fetch the child she was firm : he must go at once or otherwise his mother would be displeased and might not allow him to come at all .
30 He had been put under the tutelage of Sergeant Bragg , a great bear of a man , a man whose principles would not allow him to stoop to the self-serving tactics of his superiors .
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