Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [adv] what the " in BNC.

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1 When the future Cardinal Richelieu entered government service for the first time in 1616 he found available so little essential documentation on foreign policy that he had to ask French representatives abroad to send him copies of the instructions they had been given : without this he could not know even what the policies of his immediate predecessor had been .
2 He hopes to show that , although we can not know quite what the former say we can , nevertheless we can still know more than the latter allow .
3 The first was that de Gaulle did not know precisely what the future held for Algeria .
4 The Smith case also demonstrates that the prosecution need not show exactly what the victim was afraid of .
5 If one can not feel accurately what the scope and limits of one 's own responsibility are , there is an increased chance of behaving either fatalistically or recklessly .
6 I did not understand perfectly what the connection was but I felt guilt was involved — and a sense of obligation .
7 But in a stressed state , and especially if one is playing helpless , one can not see clearly what the opportunities and risks actually are , and one therefore can not act with discernment and intelligence .
8 If you have players who are obsessed with mapping detail , they will have a very tough time inside the Castle , but in describing the outside of it , when their characters seem to see slight differences each time they look at the buildings , add the disorientating detail that the characters can not remember exactly what the Castle looked like at any time prior to the present moment .
9 As the speaker indicated er , the C E C will not declare exactly what the intentions of the motions were but it 's now , er now it 's clear from the remarks of the speaker .
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