Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They naturally did not think to apply it to their own empires .
2 The German and French leaders told the Prime Minister they did not want to see him in the run up to the Edinburgh summit , which begins on Friday .
3 But after he had left them Rain wondered whether Shildon might not want to see her about his MacQuillan inquiry , a matter other events had put out of her mind .
4 He did not want to do it in front of the crowd .
5 Greeks with money do not want to put it into building factories .
6 I would not want to return you to your female progenitor in what , from my briefings on human culture , I perceive to be an indecorous condition . ’
7 We need land at our doorstep … if Russia does not want to give it to us , she will force us to undertake an expropriation proceeding , i.e. a war , for which we have long stored up the reasons …
8 I did not want to leave her without saying goodbye fairly .
9 Mr Charlwood was a widower with two teenage daughters and did not want to leave them for longer than necessary .
10 ‘ I do not want to share you with anyone at all . ’
11 Surely she does not want to deprive them of these amenities ?
12 For them , the change in leadership and the promise of reform opened up opportunities denied to the Red Guard generation and they did not want to jeopardise them by becoming too involved in a politically orientated movement .
13 I did not want to worry him in his last moments , so I did not tell him that Linton was also dying .
14 ‘ I do not want to know you at all , Monsieur Lemarchand , ’ she stated firmly .
15 It must be for the local authorities , which have the statutory responsibilities , to take those responsibilities extremely seriously and I would not want to divorce them from the primary responsibility for undertaking those tasks .
16 Given SAAB 's very positive experience with line-out , it is surprising that BL did not consider emulating it in that it appeared to offer benefits both to management and workers .
17 And despite complaining about charges for dental checks , it would not consider removing them for years .
18 I think from the County Council 's point of view , the safeguard is there is no proposal to make those available for other spending within the committee and therefore , if hopefully we do not need to access them during the year , they are still available for Council in future years to , to meet other spending requirements .
19 You may not need to do it in Scotland as well to the in England .
20 She would not need to see her until tonight .
21 You will not need to have me on your conscience . ’
22 I can not promise to make you into a world authority on ingredients , but I do hope to share my passion for good food with you , and to inspire you to try a different type of tea or a new way of serving pasta .
23 Hence my acceptance that yesterday I did not know prevents me from claiming knowledge today .
24 He drove grimly and skilfully and he drove very fast as if he could not wait to get her on the plane to England and out of his sight .
25 Counsel thought so little of it that he did not seek to sustain it before the House of Lords .
26 In a free society , if trade unions want the rights of ownership , they can not expect to get them as a free gift and call it industrial democracy .
27 She has said nothing of this to me , and as her father I really ought to know , I think , what she , and you , propose to do , even if in the modern fashion you do not choose to ask me for my blessing . ’
28 What would he not give to have her by his side , supplanting with her company all the resentment he felt now at the friendship of others ?
29 Your brother perhaps will not mind fetching them from the Commissariat .
30 If the police were sufficiently confident of their case against Sykes , surely they would not hesitate to take him into custody ?
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