Example sentences of "not [v-ing] [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 No player not appearing in that particular game dared put his face round the door .
2 1984 ) of 13135 children born in 1970 , found that one in ten five-year-olds were not living with both natural parents .
3 Erm it , we 've covered some of it , the rest , er , again , because we 're not looking at such large large sums , you know , as Cover Master for Home Health Checks and things like that , erm , but , basically , no .
4 A middle-aged woman , matronly in appearance and , thought Tony , not looking at all comical , went straight into a saucy monologue about an amorous coalman who left dusty handprints on various parts of his lady customers ' anatomies .
5 By now certain that Meehan and Griffiths were the murderers of Mrs Ross , the Crown Office in Edinburgh issued a statement that with Griffiths 's death and Meehan 's arrest , they were not looking for any other suspects in connection with the Ayr murder — thus , said Nicky , prejudging the very issue that was to come to trial .
6 Police say they found a hammer in the house and are not looking for any other weapon .
7 I am looking for a Leeds United match programme … not looking for any particular but I would prefer the most recent or a forthcoming copy .
8 They are not looking for some chopped-down Open University course . ’
9 ‘ You 're not listening to that old yarn , surely ?
10 Some 11 % of interlending in UK is ‘ direct ’ lending between two libraries — i.e. not passing through any formal network .
11 If the syndicates running off their contracts were aware of the problems that were going to occur and did not inform Outhwaite , then they were not acting in utmost good faith .
12 Eraut ( 1977 ) adopts a process viewpoint when he argues that : ‘ A teacher who is not developing to any noticeable extent is becoming a worse teacher , because development is natural and to avoid it is to deteriorate ’ .
13 We have been involved in research of a very similar nature for some time , and although we are not publishing in such august journals as The Phyrologist you may be interested to learn of our most recent advance .
14 And yet , I 'm restless , for we are definitely not going into any present campaign , and the future seems a little empty .
15 Will hon. Members please leave the Chamber quietly if they are not remaining for this ten-minute motion ?
16 He let go and she stood up , waving her arms and not sounding at all pleased .
17 I was not aiming for any distant target , and nor does natural selection .
18 You are not aiming for some exact scientific precision ( if absolute precision is needed , you can use pen and paper ) , but you are meeting and communicating with another adult human being .
19 Children 2–11 years inclusive not sharing with two full fare passengers : reduction 25% .
20 When we talk about part-time holdings in any context — certainly in an island context — we are not speaking about small static parcels of land with which we can play about like pieces in a jig-saw puzzle .
21 Truly ungrammatical sentences are regarded as not resulting from any regular grammatical process ( e.g. ‘ I 've seen it happen is two girls fight . ’ ) .
22 I have n't stayed in for about two months , about eight weeks , not one night , and he goes , ‘ I think you should stay in at least one ’ , and I goes , ‘ If you think I 'm staying in then you get lost , because I 'm not staying in this flaming house ’ , and he goes , ‘ You 're staying when I tell you to ’ , and I goes , ‘ I wo n't ’ , and I walked out and came back ten minutes later and said , ‘ I 'm going out , all right ? ’ and he goes , ‘ Okay ’ , and he give me some money to go out and come up here [ to the youth club ] .
23 He was already handing her the piece of paper which certified that she was in good health and not suffering from any infectious disease .
24 As fat women we are punished for not conforming to conventional feminine ideals .
25 I was not dealing with that important overall view , which the hon. Gentleman also expressed at length yesterday .
26 The child who is cast in role as abbot of the cathedral is not identifying with some fictitious character called ‘ Abbot ’ , he is merely taking on an abbot 's function vis-à-vis the situation of being in charge of other people in the community , just as the football captain in a game is not playing a ‘ character ’ of a football captain , he is functioning in the required role of being in charge of his team .
27 He says SunSoft is ‘ not betting on any single technology , ’ and will support other players , apart from SunSelect , too .
28 After the initial course it is advisable to have an occasional lesson every so often as a reminder and a check that you are not falling into any bad habits without realizing it .
29 Schools which were not thinking in such adventurous terms should easily be able to avoid ‘ a narrow and unproductive concentration ’ on the three core subjects of English , maths and science .
30 So she was not feeling at all friendly to Naylor when , shortly after breakfast , they left Parkwood .
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