Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 After the plaintiffs had failed to complete the work by that date , the defendant continued to press for delivery but , on 29 June , gave notice that , if the work was not completed within a further four weeks , he would cancel the order .
2 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
3 It was nonetheless retained in the final text , as Article 11 , and extended to include any other channel of transmission not included in the earlier Articles .
4 Probably the most interesting object is the open cluster NGC 2244 , round the star 12 Monocerotis ( 5.8 ) ; it is quite easy to locate with binoculars , and I am rather surprised that it is not included in the Messier list .
5 The representatives from abroad were not expected for a further two or three days , but the three gentlemen referred to by his lordship as his ‘ home team ’ — two Foreign Office ministers attending very much ‘ off the record ’ and Sir David Cardinal — had come early to prepare the ground as thoroughly as possible .
6 The tendency of the subject to confirm the investigator 's expectation is not confined to the lower animals .
7 Using H-thymidine autoradiography , Deschner , Lipkin , et al have shown that in high-risk subjects , proliferating cells are not confined to the lower two thirds of the colonic crypts , as they are in normal subjects , but are scattered throughout the entire length of the gland .
8 If the monies are not claimed after a further period ( usually 6 or 12 years ) then the bidder will be released from its payment obligation and the moneys paid back to it .
9 The satellite 's primary role is to fill in the existing picture of the heavens , revealing stars , galaxies , clouds and so on that are not seen at the shorter optical and ‘ near ’ infrared wavelengths ( less than 5 micrometres ) , or at the longer wavelengths observed by radio telescopes .
10 Rescuers said the incident was not connected with the earlier search .
11 Acceptance of a proof of debt for voting purposes at the first meeting is not the same as acceptance by the trustee of a proof for dividend and the trustee is not bound by the earlier decision of the official receiver .
12 It is advisable for the purchaser to draw attention to any points which may cause difficulties if they are not raised until a later stage .
13 He makes the point that this represents a genuine shift of control , not found in the earlier use of semi-autonomous working groups .
14 But it is a common and easily observed fact that measures of aggregate output in any economy tend to be positively serially correlated ; that is , a higher than average value for aggregate output in any period is more often than not followed by a higher than average value next period and , similarly , a low value in any period is more likely to be followed by another low one than by a high one .
15 This was not observed in the younger age group or in previous years .
16 It has certainly not led to a greater family stability .
17 She hoped he had not gone to the further fields .
18 Again , this strand is not continued into the higher levels because further development of this ability would move into areas such as acting and public speaking , which are not appropriately assessed within a reading component .
19 At the end of May 1969 the Bank curtly announced that the banks had not complied with the earlier request for the attainment of the lower lending ceiling and that therefore the Bank intended to halve the rate of interest payable on special deposits for as long as the banks exceeded the lending ceiling .
20 The 1953 Act was passed primarily to deal with the problems of preserving houses or buildings which were inhabited or ‘ capable of occupation ’ — these were not covered by the earlier legislation .
21 The DoE has argued that waste from US bases is not covered by the Transfrontier Regulations which require close scrutiny of imported waste .
22 ‘ I suppose I have , ’ she said on a note of reluctance not lost on the elder girl .
23 When you realise that 90 are now considered a reasonable number , it is clear that at least one thing has not changed for the better .
24 In their view , the District was meeting the criteria set out in Ashby 's Recommendation 6 and in the 1955 regulations quite admirably : was it not entitled to a higher proportion of grant-aid than those whose standards were poorer , whose students ' fees were lower and who were meeting the needs of their areas less successfully in relation to other providing bodies ?
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