Example sentences of "at a time when [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Buying a PC by mail order can be traumatic , especially at a time when companies are going bust with alarming regularity .
2 Whilst it is accepted that the total provision for the County , erm five hundred and sixteen hectares about twenty five he per cent above the approved plan provision , the County Council considers this is justified on the basis that it provides the most generous level which can be justified on the information which is available and at a time when changes in the distribution of business use are to say at the least unpredictable .
3 At a time when Europe is moving ever closer towards economic union we are faced with a stark choice of either improving our economic performance or watching the UK become a marginalised and minor economic player .
4 Kohl hopes that the council will become a way to revive these links at a time when Europe is very much looking inwards .
5 Modern human fossils 100000 years old are known and humans were widespread in southern Africa by 50 000 years ago at a time when Europe was still populated by the related Neanderthals .
6 At a time when skills are in demand , they have been wantonly discarded .
7 As a result , £6 billion worth of foodstuffs that could be produced in Britain are imported — at a time when land is still being taken out of production for ‘ set-aside ’ .
8 When Uncle Walter inherited the estate , he had to sell the land around to pay for Julian 's outstanding gambling debts , at a time when land values were constantly falling .
9 One favourite medium of attack in Iraq was the newspaper cartoon , with spectacularly uncomplimentary portrayals in the Baath Party newspaper al-Thawrah of the three chief objects of the leadership 's hostility — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin , Syria 's President Hafez al-Asad and of course Khomeini , on one occasion presented , at a time when Iran was widely reported to be cutting oil prices to boost sales volume , as a door-to-door kerosine street pedlar calling out , ‘ Naft !
10 The threat comes at a time when BA is putting on extra flights to cover the rush , which would have seen 100,000 passengers a day at Heathrow alone .
11 Her strong views on national sovereignty and limiting the competence of the European Community — at a time when moves to greater unity were gathering pace — placed Britain in a familiar minority of one .
12 Its formation at a time when moves are well-advanced to remove customs and other technical barriers throughout the Community is well-timed .
13 This was important at a time when outvoters were a larger group in many constituencies than the size of the majority and when the outvoters were overwhelmingly Unionist .
14 In the early 1980s , at a time when manufacturing industry was collapsing and the outlook for the unskilled looked particularly bleak , frustration boiled over in a series of riots in London , Bristol , Birmingham , Liverpool , and elsewhere .
15 He also obtained the ends of newspaper rolls from Peckham Press , at a time when cartridge paper was rationed , and encouraged his pupils to draw on a large scale .
16 Now , at a time when recession has badly hit ad hoc charter revenues , the Royal Mail reorganisation has thrown this sector of the industry into chaos .
17 The joint Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Standard survey has come at a time when Essex Rivers Healthcare is trying to save £2.2 million to cope with an overspend of £1.3 million last year , waiting lists are at a record high and the closure date of a Colchester hospital has been set .
18 Mr Goodenough says he 's looking forward to the new post at a time when complaints against the police have increased .
19 He presented ‘ … a very gloomy picture of adult education in this county … ’ : the number of classes had declined from thirty-five in 1937–38 to twenty-five in 1938- 39 and the number of enrolled students had fallen by some 30% , and all at a time when activity in other counties was increasing significantly .
20 He said the group had expanded to supply a new housing market of 200,000 units a year at a time when activity had slumped to 135,000 units .
21 The poor rate was the largest direct tax paid by most rate payers at a time when income tax was levied only on incomes above £150 p.a. and was paid by all householders , many of them themselves poor .
22 Post-war immigration from the New Commonwealth developed through the 1950s and 1960s , at a time when income trends were shifting from increasing equality to increasing inequality .
23 At a time when managers in other companies worried about being ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ , the IBMer had his Career Manager to keep him in view .
24 Having been taught that , at a time when priests were not disagreed with , it is small wonder that John Kennedy should have involved himself , and thousands after him , in an anti-Communist crusade in Vietnam ; that Joseph McCarthy should have conducted his anti-Communist witch-hunts ; or that Casey should have made the fight against Communism his life 's work , even asking that money should be given after his death not for flowers , but for the contras .
25 As a further precaution , the addresses of Israeli staff were not printed in official diplomatic lists for fear of encouraging the impulsive gesture at a time when Israel was being a little hard to take .
26 This was a reference to Mr Mellor 's month-long holiday in Spain in August 1990 — paid for by Mona Bauwens , daughter of the PLO 's chief fund-raiser , at a time when Iraq was invading Kuwait .
27 As a canon of Durham Ramsey was one of the custodians of a great monument of the European inheritance in architecture , at a time when bombs dropped upon Britain .
28 Basically the minority who think about northern politics saw the good guy with his arm around the bad guy , at a time when bombs were still going off .
29 At a time when galleries are retrenching or closing , it is nice to be able to report this exciting European link forged by the energetic Hue-Williams , and to note the arrival of Marianne Holtermann , private dealer in modern and contemporary art , who has opened an office above Bolger Carpets at 31 New Bond Street .
30 At a time when galleries are feeling the financial squeeze and playing safe with established artists , or even closing altogether , showing and selling work to the public from one 's own studio is an attractive option for artists .
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