Example sentences of "at the time and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were exotic , impoverished days for Nicholson and , above all , big experiences for the boy from Neptune who had by now left the protective custody of his sister/mother and was sharing an apartment with one of a group of friends who he met at the time and with whom he remained close when he became well known .
2 Charles Short , the surgeon , was Mayor of Bedford at the time and as such , the presiding coroner :
3 The question of economic benefits of science points to a concern with the character of the economy at the time and to the importance of considering the demise of the attempts to implement a science curriculum ‘ as practice ’ and the success of the science curriculum ‘ as fact ’ in the context of changes in Victorian capitalism . [ … ]
4 She was probably about twenty at the time and on her return created quite a furore among the ladies with her hair shingled in the latest fashion and sporting lipstick and rouge which was almost unknown at that period .
5 The research will describe the nature of a selection of the strategy and policy initiatives ; set out the empirical evidence used in building the strategy ; assess this against other evidence which might have been used at the time and against current practices ; use this and other evidence to evaluate the effects of policy ; and comment on the main successes and failures of the strategy .
6 He still had n't had any chart hits at the time and in fact did n't until ‘ Fame ’ .
7 She was in the bedroom at the time and in an advanced state of pregnancy .
8 The way forward could only be through a measure of government intervention and inevitably it provoked at the time and in its later consequences , or lack of them , sharp controversy which did much to form the particular arguments reformers used to articulate their basic ideological assumptions .
9 We must be cautious , though , in making the assumption that such words as ‘ king ’ , ‘ prophet ’ or ‘ Messiah ’ still convey to us the meaning which they had at the time and in the world of Jesus .
10 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
11 The break-up of the Bretton Woods system , at the time and in the form in which it occurred , to a large degree forced an easy money regime on the rest of the system , and thereby fuelled the speculation that in turn fuelled the commodities boom .
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