Example sentences of "at the time [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I said at the time that reports are ALWAYS one sided when the score is 3–0 or 4–0 , this coupled with what I actually heard on radio 5 and what Ive seen of the goals is that Leeds had plenty of the ball , just found it hard to break a 6,7,8 man defence , and norwich looked dangerous on the counter attack .
2 It had struck Dougal at the time that Lorton 's view of patriotism was more than old-fashioned : it was positively feudal , in that it depended on loyalty to a single person .
3 I then did a series of films with Robert de Vicenzo , big money in those days , which convinced me at the time that Roberto would win the 1967 Open .
4 At the time that Fidel Castro led his revolution to victory and entered Havana with his troops , we had no idea what political course his regime would follow .
5 Following the date Tate & Lyle 's accounts were signed , the ASB issued in mid-December last year an amendment to SSAP 15 that allows preparers to take into account , at the time that provisions for pensions and other post-retirement benefits are set up , the tax relief that will be received when the benefits are actually paid .
6 Certainly I thought at the time that Hunt would end up sponsored by Marlboro and driving a McLaren .
7 Firstly , it seems to have been well established at the time that Darrel was having some sort of incestuous relationship with his sister , a woman several years younger but only slightly less wayward than her brother .
8 At the time that Salam and Weinberg proposed their theory , few people believed them , and particle accelerators were not powerful enough to reach the energies of 100 GeV required to produce real W , w , or Q particles .
9 At the time that Alpher , Bethe , and Gamow wrote their paper , not much was known about the nuclear reactions of protons and neutrons .
10 No one pointed out at the time that radio , like other media of mass communication , leaves the audience with the choice of looking elsewhere .
11 Like most of my fellow white South Africans in the early days of contention , I did n't realise at the time that people like Peter Hian and Hassan Howa were looking further than we were , and seeing further ahead than our own claustrophobic horizons .
12 At the time that Friedman was airing his dissatisfaction with the Phillips curve , the complex econometric models of inflation which its discovery had spawned were still predicting inflation reasonably well .
13 Though his popular image undoubtedly embodied the broad ideological prejudices and aspirations of the masses — including anti-Semitism — it appears hard to argue that at the time that Hitler was gaining his widest electoral support the ‘ Jewish Question , was the decisive element in his growing appeal .
14 Wilfrid was resident in Mercia at the time that Queen Osthryth was murdered by Mercian nobles in 697 ( HE V , 24 ) .
15 However , at the time that Penrose produced his theorem , I was a research student desperately looking for a problem with which to complete my Ph.D .
16 A partial answer might be that he was confident at the time that Argentina would be the first country to exploit atomic energy for industrial purposes .
17 It was reported at the time that Yorkshire secretary J.H. Nash considered Fiddling inconsistent , although capable of brilliance .
18 She claimed at the time that colleagues had lied in a bid to get her fired because she was unpopular .
19 ( It was just as well I did n't know at the time that Jack would once have been called a psychopath , which to most people effectively means ‘ murderer ’ ) Untreatable ?
20 Some said at the time that Leviathan had been written for Cromwell , and indeed Hobbes did say that it supported a ‘ conscientious obedience to the present government ’ of the Protectorate .
21 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
22 Eion Young wrote at the time that Lauda had become human , and thus vulnerable , that victory was no longer his consuming goal , and he is right : one comes out of an inferno , as Niki had , with a renewed appreciation of the value of life .
23 Dulcie Howes , who wrote that comment to me , had told the Cape Town critic Denis Hatfield at the time that John would never really be a dancer but that he had ‘ such a remarkable eye for balletic pattern , an imagination so vivid , and such an ear for music in relation to movement ’ that she was certain he would make a choreographer .
24 The bishop was headmaster of Winchester College at the time that Ramsey 's brilliant brother Frank was a scholar .
25 SBC Securities Ltd , known at the time as SBCI Savory Milln Ltd agreed to underwrite the cash alternative and rights issue , a potential liability of £56m .
26 ‘ I mean , Miss Celia , as I still often think of her , being that young at the time and Mrs Tremayne not wanting her to know , pledging me and my eldest brother , Bert , to secrecy .
27 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
28 I was earning £18 a week at the time and Caroline 's father , a twinkle in his eye , wanted to know if I thought that was enough to live on .
29 Conversely had we had the profits last year which would have generated taxable profits then we would n't have needed to have done that , so that 's one reason why it was not disclosed on floatations at the time and floatation was not regarded as an asset .
30 He got off too lightly at the time and history has not brought his memory to full justice .
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