Example sentences of "at the next [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It was to have been discussed at the next Shanks & McEwan board meeting in early October .
2 But he was friendly at the next GP and apologised . ’
3 What I 'm suggesting really , is let's get it on the agenda for budget review whenever the next meeting is , to be considered in depth , and if that gives an extra couple or three weeks for officers to write the report , fine , if it goes beyond the next policy and resources a week or two wo n't matter in the scheme of things , it 's detailed consideration I 'm looking for , rather than a fast fix in ten minutes at the next P and R.
4 Obediently , resignedly , he swings the car round in a dangerous U-turn at the next intersection and they flash back towards the airport , the jewel factories and towerblocks of the Bangkok suburbs thinning out again to the dim outlines of swampy fields pierced by palmtree plantations .
5 ‘ That would mean the Conservatives losing over 1.5 million voters at the next election and many marginal seats would go with them . ’
6 On behalf of the Labour party , I invite you to join the vast majority of people in this country at the next election and to vote Labour .
7 Yes I think er I mean my own view is that he well er erm lead the party at the next election and he 'll win it .
8 Mm , that 's right though , there should be a they make out , wh , wh , what 's all that about then , vote for at the next election or something ?
9 Ursula and Gianni got off at the next station but one , having brought their growing mutual admiration to a startling climax wedged solid among the rocking mass of sober commuters .
10 He got off at the next village and waddled away up a street with his bag of guavas .
11 The best route , initially , is to cross the shallows on the left into the rack then go right over the shingle/boulder bank into the mini haystacks , thence into the pool , left at the next rack and cut back right between the rock and the boulder bank to avoid the tree roots .
12 ‘ Then it 's left again at the next crossroads and we 're there . ’
13 just say , you can take a poem home and learn it and then recite at the next lesson and then used it just
14 All the way to the station she asked it , Shall I jump out of the car at the next light and run ?
15 I 've got it I 've got it at home I can bring it in at the next meeting or whatever .
16 You tell him exactly what 's gon na happen at the next meeting and providing what you present meets his needs and is within his budget , will he be proceeding ?
17 Now as the city of Manchester goes all out to win the race to host the Olympic games … our own town of Banbury has beaten them to a gold medal … the local boatbuilding firm of Laser will be racing at the next Olympics and to celebrate they 're having a water sports week
18 She had given herself a fair amount of time to get to Luke 's , and if she left the motorway at the next junction and did n't hang around she 'd be only a little late at the most .
19 He conceded a treble at the next end but then raced away to win by 11 clear shots .
20 He paused again at the next landing and peered out of the open window into the back-court .
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