Example sentences of "at the [adj] time and " in BNC.

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1 The teenager tapped into data systems across the world , including targets at the Financial Times and universities , using a £200 home computer his mother bought him for Christmas when he was 14 .
2 I arrived there at the due time and waited and waited , but no corporal appeared .
3 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
4 Over a hundred MPs in the House of Commons hold government posts at the present time and even the humblest of them — the parliamentary private secretaries — are almost always forced to resign if they vote against the government or even abstain .
5 1.6 This allowance is based upon staff who are at the top of the grade at the present time and translates into the following :
6 The message which Balfour sent was that , ‘ He is also of the opinion that it will be a serious danger if the Socialist Party is allowed to assume office at the present time and he thinks every means ought to be taken to avert the Parliamentary defeat which would bring them into office in your place .
7 At the present time and in er the public fund and the health committee we did decide to have a review after so I think that is actually in control I do n't think we should mess about with it any more at this point .
8 I think the government should slow down on all its activities at the present time and concentrate on getting the economy right , and everything else put on the back burner .
9 They 're er they live in at the present time and er his name 's Paul and he 's the main Skoda dealer in Nottingham .
10 Much worse to begin too soon and reach the end too quickly , typed Goldberg , squinting at the manuscript before him , than to begin at the right time and reach the end too quickly .
11 Much worse to begin too soon and feel one has begun too soon than to begin at the right time and discover one has nothing to begin .
12 Skill is one of the most important elements in the champion 's make-up , because if he ca n't perform the right technique at the right time and in the right way , he will never make it to the winner 's rostrum .
13 The unpredictable English weather meant that delivering the leaves at the right time and at exactly the right stage of development for silkworms to thrive on them was impossible .
14 Some halted at the right time and others did n't , resulting in a bit of a rugger scrum .
15 Local staff or voluntary workers can not be expected to have the resources , time or experience to ensure that telecommunications , backdrop , crowd flow , music , lighting and camera positions are available at the right time and in the right way .
16 These lessons were given at the right time and were invaluable in later life .
17 He has to get the barley , go out at the right time and sow it .
18 So we need to get the word of God , go out with it at the right time and leave it with people .
19 You must also have practised these moves in a variety of combinations , using a small punchbag as a target , until you can automatically use the right move at the right time and distance .
20 ‘ There 's no pecking order , it 's who is in the right place at the right time and who is the strongest , ’ he says .
21 For a change I was in the right place at the right time and got a job , with housing , at the Folger Theatre in Washington DC .
22 Say you were too tired this morning to remember to ask for permission to get up early to meet me and then woke at the right time and did n't want to let me down .
23 It is generally accepted that in order to watch over an executive , the system of supervision has to be constructed in parallel so that information about the salient issues is extracted at the right time and the process of scrutiny is based on this information and takes place when the decision is still open .
24 A murder weapon had been discovered in Parkin 's desk , David Parkin had been in the right place at the right time and he had a conceivable motive to kill the television reporter .
25 Having decided that basic fact , the real problem is getting to the chosen position at the right time and without being shut out by other yachts .
26 We need to ensure that our white collar members have the help and the support and the advice available to them , but that help and that advice needs to be at the right time and at the right place .
27 The reason they were picked ( aside from those who are here by right of birth ) is that a small portion of their total brain power was visibly alight at the right time and in the right place .
28 I know because many years ago I happened to be in the right place , in the ambulance I was driving at the right time and was able to e effect a rescue of an old woman from her smoke filled house at Burstill Ten minutes later I could not have done it because of the smoke .
29 Paul Bodin says he 's been lucky … he 's been in the right place at the right time and has managed to take the chances …
30 ‘ But he comes out at the right time and he stays on his line at the right time .
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