Example sentences of "at the [adj] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 CITY financiers are still gasping at the Financial Times editorial column on Thursday which backed Labour .
2 We were am , absolutely amazed at the low awareness that flu is actually preventable .
3 The first works best at high speeds , such as those in many water-channel experiments ; the second and third at intermediate speeds ; and the last at the low speeds likely to be encountered in convection and rotating fluid experiments .
4 It shares the main galleries of the ICA 's ground floor with ‘ Craft Morphology Flow Chart ’ ( 1991 , Lannan Foundation ) which created a strong impression at the recent Carnegie International in Pittsburgh and consists of rows of hand-made woollen dolls laid out in tables .
5 At the recent Comdex mega computer show in Las Vegas , a PC screen saver to beat all screen savers was launched by Berkeley Systems .
6 Speaking at the recent Logistics 92 conference on the Canberra , he claimed rail could still not compete with road when it came to transporting packaged goods .
7 SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander , speaking at the recent Unix International members meeting in New Orleans that was closed to the press , issued a call to arms against Microsoft Corp , making a strong plea for the industry to come together and adopt common interface specifications and common marketing programmes .
8 SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander , speaking at the recent Unix International members meeting in New Orleans that was closed to the press , reportedly issued a call to arms against Microsoft Corp , making a strong plea for the industry to come together and adopt common interface specifications and common marketing programmes .
9 This friendly dragon visited the ASH stand at the recent NEC Green Show with a non-smoking message .
10 At the recent IWC annual meeting , Iceland and Brazil , both previously die-hard whaling nations , abstained from voting for a total ban on whaling , but did not vote for a continuance .
11 The power to renew a seamen 's canteen licence is exercisable at the quarterly meeting three years after the meeting at which the licence was first granted ( subs .
12 I 'd like to get cleared up so I can join the others at the end-of-shoot bash this evening . ’
13 Languidly she turned her head to the west-facing windows , staring out at the neighbouring mountain high above the hill upon which Saracen was built .
14 She did n't earn much and dinner was usually a bowl of soup and a cold platter at the small restaurant next door to the Goldener Adler .
15 " that from the style of the building ( which although ancient in its design , is at the present day unique and novel ) it is almost impossible to calculate to any thing near the real cost , where the greatest part of the expense is incurred by the labour in working the , stone in the various forms on antique architecture .
16 At the present day this is a question more easily asked than answered .
17 The reasons for this are not clear , but at the present time two diseases in particular , syphilis and type-B viral hepatitis , seem to be largely the preserve of the male homosexual .
18 Erm power stations source of energy you see , one of the biggest sources of energy that we have at the present time next twenty years
19 At the present time most of the alterations affecting the spit are confined to the southern end , where it is weakest .
20 At the present time some of the old Airey houses are being demolished and rebuilt .
21 ‘ Passed up a couple of total certs to come to your bloody bun-fight , ’ she complained , though she was looking at the poor child all the time , with her eyes half-closed and tossing her head so the sockets would catch the light .
22 Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject field to be explored , and its structure in enquiry ; they need to know what materials , print-form or audio-visual , are available , and suitable , and what special problems they may reveal ; they need to have available at the right time suitable equipment , and places where the equipment may be used , and they need to be sure that the student is able to find and make use of all the resources he may need in the periods of the timetable allotted to the activity .
23 happiness will come to all Virgos who aim the right arrows at the right targets this weekend .
24 But shareholders can still make their investment work for them — by filling their trolleys at the right superstores this weekend .
25 At the pre-trial review any interlocutory applications may be made ( Ord 17 , r 4 ) .
26 ‘ 'E was making funny noises , ’ the maid offered importantly , and , pleased at the instant attention this won her , added , ‘ Like when me ma 's 'aving another . ’
27 Mr Brown went to Saudi Arabia last February to increase efficiency at the British-run King Khaled National Guard Hospital , near the Saudi capital , Jeddah .
28 He will return to Britain for Christmas , before going back to his job at the British-run King Khaled National Guard Hospital , near Jeddah .
29 He will return to Britain for Christmas , before going back to his job at the British-run King Khaled National Guard Hospital , near Jeddah .
30 Mr Brown went to Saudi Arabia last February to increase efficiency at the British-run King Khaled National Guard Hospital , near the Saudi capital , Jeddah .
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