Example sentences of "at the [noun sg] of it " in BNC.

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1 I just wonder at the necessity of it in an area that already has two golf-courses to its credit .
2 The Association of British Mountain Guides , of which Rowland is a member , expressed their deep concern , and ordinary climbers across the land who love Cornwall shuddered at the hypocrisy of it .
3 At the foot of it there was a kind of dent in the stonework where she could crouch in behind the cloth , almost hidden .
4 When you do , the first notable sight along the road is the small church of Gotein , two miles below Mauléon , which has a particularly good clocher-calvaire or saw-toothed bell-wall with , at the foot of it , a porch which is actually wider than the nave of the church itself and a covered wooden staircase going up the side .
5 The house had a large garden with a small river running at the foot of it and was situated in the small quiet village of .
6 ( Abrams was a young , bright , sharp lawyer , always well-tailored , and with an air of fierce aceticism ; he will reappear often in this story as a man trying to keep at the edge of it , and usually succeeding .
7 The four men were forced to kneel at the edge of it with their hands bound tightly behind them .
8 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
9 I am conscious that I speak in parable ; but all that vast organisation and provision which must be made for the old in the coming generation will bring disappointment unless the purpose at the heart of it is one that satisfies .
10 Let us have warmth as well as dignity , smiles alongside the serious , and joy at the heart of it all .
11 Yet both women brought a more intense and child-whorish eroticism to the screen than had been seen before , while retaining a suggestion of innocence at the heart of it .
12 Size is at the heart of it .
13 A policeman and a man 's man and at the heart of it , a blunt Irish cop in New York .
14 At the heart of it is the Church understanding of Revelation , which has constantly been reiterated in the writings of Pope John Paul II .
15 This touches all aspects of the curriculum , history , geography , economics as well as religious education , which is at the heart of it all . ’
16 During that eight years ' task , those at the heart of it were learning themselves how to pray more deeply and contemplatively .
17 But it is the memory that sits like a kernel at the heart of it all .
18 Zurich is always in the news , not merely on the map of world affairs , but usually right at the heart of it .
19 Archbishop William Temple [ q.v. ] , who described him as ‘ the finest priest I have known ’ , characterized him as evangelical without a trace of Puritanism , and fired by a strong Catholic sacramentalism , with the cross at the heart of it all .
20 The problem is that it probably all lies in the past — thirty , forty years back , if it 's Walter Machin that 's at the heart of it , as I begin to think it could be .
21 And at the heart of it all , like a jewel in a ring , stood the house .
22 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
23 Make em laugh , make em cry , the Muppets from Lord Grade 's ATV , a pioneering puppet show … and right at the heart of it was Bill Ward .
24 ‘ I felt there was a simple story at the heart of it , as well as the unusual content of the books , lent itself to the kind of melodramatic theatre I like . ’
25 I did not look at the rest of it , deliberately .
26 ‘ Let's have a look at the rest of it , ’ she said , lest Breeze should read her thoughts and feel dashed .
27 After half a mile he decided to turn off the embankment and walk up the side of the next field and along the path at the top of it , following the horses whom he could still see in the distance .
28 It was a cul-de-sac off Ladbroke Grove , with two restaurants and two large pubs at the top of it .
29 At the top of it was a high stone wall with a rustic door inset .
30 Looking up he saw at the top of it a bizarre collection of wheels and cogs .
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