Example sentences of "at the [noun sg] next day " in BNC.

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1 Back at the wordface next day , Highland dentists are revolting ; holiday homes may be attacked ; bad vibe , man .
2 Though she was only a part-time whore who ‘ had to stand at the washtub next day . ’
3 When they turn up at the office next day looking as if they 've missed out on their sleep , however , they could get more than teasing comments from their colleagues .
4 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
5 Facing him at the office next day was like facing a firing squad .
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