Example sentences of "at the [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The verderers also co-operated with the foresters in supervising the exercise of customary rights within the forest , such as taking wood for fuel , fencing and house-repair ; in making arrangements at the swanimote for the agistment of the king 's demesne woods ; and in carrying out various inquiries in the forest into such matters as the rights of the Crown and the perquisites of the Forest officers .
2 He frowned and stared down at the grain of the table .
3 He shrugged his shoulders and looked dumbly at the grain on the wooden table .
4 IF YOU want to know the pecking order of the various departments in Britain 's universities , try looking at the shareout of the 312 new academic posts announced by the Department of Education and Science last week .
5 Education Catering Services are working on two fronts : the production of the quality assurance manual , under the direction of Joanna Carroll , for the central production unit in Ealing ; and the operations manual for school meals which will be installed initially at the mobilisation of the Sunderland school meals contract .
6 Timid observers will marvel at the bravery of the men who dare descend into these black pits for enjoyment and adventure : their reward is a visit to a fantastic nether world the rest of us will never see .
7 Yeah catching rabbits a hedge and cut down a stick you know at the corn on the old and if we were lucky we used to get erm we used to er seat the old fella on the boiler and have a ride round on one of the horses .
8 A couple of months ago , an economist , Professor Ken Balding of the University of Colorado , gave a talk at the university on the subject ‘ How do things go from bad to better ? ’
9 The main aim of their eight-week-long visit is to learn enough to set up a consultancy centre at the university as the Czechs , unused to the rising unemployment they now face , do not have the knowhow to cope with such upheaval .
10 After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen , Freud studied physiology , biology and anatomy .
11 Police said they believed the men — Yusuf Akhalwaya , aged 23 , a fourth-year student at the University of the Witwatersrand , and Prakash Napier , aged 24 , a part-time student — were carrying landmines which exploded prematurely .
12 He went to a good local school , where at 16 he put together a weekly ‘ radio ’ programme on the loudspeakers , and then read International Politics at the University of the West Indies before moving into local radio and TV .
13 This is the regional communication training centre based at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica .
14 The crucial suggestion was made in 1972 by Jacob D. Bekenstein , who was then a graduate student at Princeton University and is now at the University of the Negev in Israel .
15 Liz Wells is a writer and lecturer at the University of the West of England , Bristol
16 The libraries have been designed on the basis of research carried out at the University under the auspices of a Department of Trade & Industry programme , and include temporal functions to monitor the start and stopping time of shares , financial risk calculation and probability functions .
17 The libraries have been designed on the basis of research carried out at the University under the auspices of a Department of Trade & Industry programme , and include temporal functions to monitor the start and stopping time of shares , financial risk calculation and probability functions .
18 He had come to Salzburg from his parental home in Augsburg in 1737 to study at the University with the intention of becoming a priest , but his love of music had led him instead to take up an appointment initially with the Canon of Salzburg before joining the Archbishop 's household .
19 Lord Zuckerman , who is pictured below with Mr Healey , was Professor of Anatomy at the University from the 1940s until 1968 .
20 If you studied for a two-year teachers ' certificate at the University before the early 1980s , you qualify to join the Duannians .
21 Joseph 's lodge was at the north of the camp , and one of his wives was cut down by a bullet while carrying her daughter to safety .
22 Concern is also being expressed about the proposed construction of a large dam at the north of the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River .
23 The one at Rhuvaal at the north of the island was established in 1859 .
24 In antiquity only the Hellenistic astronomers used hours of equal length , these being the same as the seasonal hours at the date of the spring equinox .
25 Where the nuisance was in existence at the time the abatement notice was served , and continued or was likely to recur at the time proceedings for a nuisance order began then whether or not it was continuing or was likely to recur at the date of the hearing , the court must also order the defendant to pay the local authority the cost of the proceedings to obtain the nuisance order .
26 The Commission must have regard to the future development of competition ( including competition from undertakings located outside the Community ) , not merely to the position as it exists among the companies competing in the market at the date of the merger .
27 In the Court of Appeal Lord Justice Scott said that the set-off under Rule 4.90 operated at the date of the winding-up so as to leave the net amount claimable by a company in a liquidation from the other party or provable as a debt in the liquidation .
28 During the long periods between revaluations , distortions in the relative valuations of different properties occurred and , of course , new property had to be valued at the notional figure that would have obtained at the date of the previous revaluation .
29 If the deposition is to be taken in England ( and there may be cases in which a foreign witness can be available in England but not at the date of the trial ) , the examination will be before a judge , officer or ( usually ) an examiner of the court ; if the deposition is to be taken abroad , alternative ways of proceeding are available .
30 In any proceedings it shall be a defence for the accused to prove that , at the date of the alleged contravention , the instrument had not been issued by Her Majesty 's Stationery Office .
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