Example sentences of "at [noun prp] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 He also denied that his wife had given him any details of who she was supposed to be meeting at TVL at the time of the party .
2 Later research shows this story to have been unlikely : the Court was not at Wilton at the time and the Earl of Pembroke was not on speaking terms with Laud .
3 I remember the incident well as I was an ATCO at Dunsfold at the time . ,
4 They were living in lodgings at Brighton at the time , so as to be near our school .
5 There were only three other black kids at Repton at the time and Hope had to withstand some daunting reactions to his presence at the club in the East End of London .
6 ‘ I was teaching at MexTech at the time .
7 It is possible that Leapor was employed at Weston at the time of Arthur Barnardiston 's death .
8 Dr Mann took up the post of organist and choir master at Beverley at a time when the music at the Minster was at a fairly low ebb .
9 It may even be that the Eadwulf who challenged the accession of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in 704 , and whose son was with Wilfrid at Ripon at the time ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 59 ) ( see below , p. 146 ) , was of royal Deiran extraction .
10 A friend of Bailey stationed at Hullavington at the time , Corporal Steven Paterson , is accused of helping cover up the crime .
11 We just prowled around the halls at RCA at the time , going in any doors that were open and asking for things and demanding things .
12 The first British administrator of Tanganyika Masailand was Colonel E.D. Browne , who had been Assistant District Commissioner at Laikipia at the time of the second Masai move in 1911–13 , and who came down to Tanganyika convinced that the Kenya Masai had had a rotten deal and determined to see that the Tanganyika Masai got a better one .
13 Chapman took over at Leeds at a time when professional footballers were beginning to assert themselves as an organized body of workers .
14 Our knowledge of all these sides of religious life at Canterbury at the time of the Conquest has had to be reconstructed by laborious scholarship , largely because Lanfranc turned a blind eye to every aspect of a native religious tradition .
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