Example sentences of "at [adv] in [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus ‘ good ’ , ‘ bad ’ , ‘ ought ; , ‘ right ’ , ‘ wrong ’ have primarily valuational meanings , at least in a properly ethical use of them , while words like ‘ brave ’ , ‘ lazy ’ , ‘ rude ’ , ‘ selfish ’ , ‘ considerate ’ , and so forth which have a much more settled descriptive meaning , have a partly valuational meaning .
2 The practical is technology based , at least in the etymologically correct sense of ‘ skill-based ’ .
3 More important , as armies became more highly organized , more permanent and more self-conscious , the temptation to use them as moulds in which civilian societies might be recast became stronger , at least in the relatively poor and backward States of Eastern and Northern Europe .
4 Is n't it time this sort of facility was universal — at least in the technically advanced world ?
5 In the preceding analysis the rational expectations criteria were introduced piecemeal within a context which assumed market clearing , at least in the fairly short run .
6 Herb Nahapiet is saying that we have now , at least in the more forward looking and enlightened niches , reached the people stage .
7 Will the Minister say this evening whether the Government intend to implement , if not immediately , at least in the very near future , those sections of part II of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 that prevent the surrender of a disposal licence until a certificate of completion has been isssued by the relevant authority ?
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