Example sentences of "at [art] time [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It was the Anglo-Saxons who adapted the pagan marking of bread with a cross ( which at the time represented the four seasons ) into the Christian symbol for the crucifix .
2 The findings drew attention to the contrast between the teacher-initiated models of ‘ group work ’ which at the time offered the only practical insights and guidance available in the literature ( e.g. Barnes and Todd 1977 , Tann 1981 , Biott and Clough 1983 , Slavin 1983 , Johnson et al .
3 A doctor from the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital who treated Mr Hoad at the time said the spiral fracture of the arm was caused by a rotation force , a twisting of the arm .
4 The building site manager at the time told the Daily Mirror : ‘ I had a meeting with Mellor 's wife over cups of coffee at the start of each week to discuss any problems and let her know how much we had spent so far .
5 On the one hand there were those introduced by British or British trained educationists because they appeared at the time to represent the ‘ best ’ education ( though naturally criteria for judging quality varied widely ) .
6 Even where it is positively established that the right person was questioned , who by being present at the time had the nominal responsibility for cleaning the surface in question , the true reason for the fault may lie elsewhere being the result of one or other of the following factors :
7 If the commission , which since its inception has been the CIVC 's ComCon ( Commission Consultative ) , required a yardstick on which to base their annual increase or decrease of production limits , then it would have been more rational at the time to term the figure , whether or not it was actually 50 hectolitres per hectare , an average for the region .
8 As for Daedalus himself , he had been busy too at the time inventing the Greek alphabet in Cumae , on the other side of the peninsula .
9 A reporter at the time describes the La Scala Girls at the Palace :
10 I noticed the attractive terracotta-tiled floor and another open fireplace which at the time housed the refrigerator .
11 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
12 In 1977 , 22 per cent of female part-time employees were earning less than £15 a week , which at the time defined the boundary of non-employed for social insurance purposes ( that is , neither they nor their employers have to pay national insurance contributions ) .
13 Were you a bit concerned at the time making the decision ?
14 Did you at the time see the celebration of sexuality — even if it is a boy masturbating over an advertisement in a newspaper — as a kick in the eye of oppressive forces in the church ?
15 The attempt in the 1890s to turn headmen into policemen in Kurunagala was widely considered a failure , and even officials responsible for the province at the time emphasized the importance of coconut plantations in the decline of cattle theft .
16 It was fashionable at the time to study the colloidal state , a condition in which small molecules are associated in loose , somewhat indefinite aggregates .
17 They should be dealt with one at a time using the subsequent text pages .
18 The instructor should distribute Handout 13 , then go through the steps one at a time using the details in the text and asking the trainees to complete exercises where necessary .
19 The story in Scotland begins with the first Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh where , in 1710 , noble ladies waited patiently to dance a minuet with their partners — one couple at a time to accommodate the huge dresses .
20 Your composition is replayed one line at a time showing the music in graph form or by indicating the note position on a pianoforte keyboard on the screen .
21 Teams of 12 firefighters at a time enter the building in a bid to reach the source of the fire .
22 Suppose the intensity is lowered to a level at which only a single photon at a time encounters the crystal .
23 Thus confidential data can be stored on such a disk and the user of this data can physically remove it , even take it home with him if he so desires , thereby ensuring that the information can not be seen by any unauthorised persons This control over sensitive data coupled with the fact that the computer is personal to one user at a time gives the operator a greater sense of confidence in , and control over , the machine he is using .
24 There is none of the discrete lumpiness we saw in our first experiment when a bullet at a time hit the screen , now here , now there .
25 Komatsu has built a robot with eight ‘ legs ’ that move four at a time to propel the machine at 200 metres per hour regardless of obstacles .
26 The mother at no time neglected the child .
27 What is sure is that Field , with his access to the latest English pianos at an early age , at no time played the harpsichord , and this , perhaps , above all helped him to develop the use of the pedal , which he would often sustain through changes of harmony , for the sake of the colouring of the phrase .
28 Although the 1914–18 war quickened the speed of the decline in fertility and resulted , during a loss of around 600,000 unborn children who would otherwise have been brought into the world , at no time did the rate touch the low level at which it stood in 1939 .
29 Certainly , at no time did the lift pass anything like 6,000 tons a day .
30 At no time did the King mention the progress of the war , and it was hardly the place or time to open the subject .
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