Example sentences of "at [num] [noun sg] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The News at Ten presenter has a home in Topsham , Devon .
2 Mr Chance , who at one time owned a cruiser , holds an international helmsman certificate from the Royal Yachting Association .
3 This concludes attempts on the line , started by Paul Pritchard a couple of years ago , which at one time featured a glued-in peg in a pocket , although this was pretty short lived .
4 The company at one time had a significant tie to the defence industry , but in recent years it has focused on what it knows best — speciality chemicals .
5 With the council now agreeing with the district auditor about the unlawfulness of the deals , which at one time involved a notional £6bn , the banks are the only parties arguing that the transactions should be enforced .
6 Over time , the wets who at one time favoured a change in economic policy virtually disappeared .
7 One of the most widespread language families in Siberia was that now known as Samoed , the speakers of which at one time occupied a large part of southern Siberia from the Irtysh to the Yenisei , including the Altal-Sayan mountain region .
8 I placed my fish in a 36″ aquarium with a Fluval 4 at one end to create a fast current ( with no attached spray bar ) .
9 One must have served as a recumbent tombstone , since it has a slot at one end to hold a vertical cross .
10 It is like being attached to the free end of a rope ; a gentle pull at one end means a vicious kick at the other .
11 The filtration was to be undergravel with an Eheim Powerhead at one end to provide a river-like current along the aquarium .
12 The fact that she could swear like a trooper and at one point told a nurse that I was a security guard escaping from a hijack attempt , also helped .
13 He says he was initially paid a thousand pounds and at one point offered a further fifty .
14 He even fell into arrears with his mortgage at a time when he was earning £400,000 a year as chairman of Lonrho , and at one stage had a 300-acre farm and farmhouse , next to his magnificent 14th-century manor house in Somerset , repossessed .
15 For instance , the CIA at one stage ran a brothel in Paris in conjunction with the French intelligence organisation , SDECE , with the purpose of obtaining blackmail material for use against eastern block diplomats and similar people .
16 A full skirt of crimson and black swelled over her hips and was lifted and pinned at one side to reveal a cascade of lacy petticoats .
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