Example sentences of "at [adv] i [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean some people adopt the approach of trying to d do it all in about two hours just before the deadline so they do n't have time to feel self critical erm I think perhaps if you can , you know , rather than , rather than trying to do it all at once I mean the business of , of going through successive drafts of things and gradually getting them better and better , I mean the first drafts of things that I write are , are usually just scribbles on the back of a piece of paper that 's , with something else on the front
2 All at once I feel a great need for bed . ’
3 Faldo said : ‘ I tried to go for it and at least I put a scare into the guys out there .
4 On the 199 bus I sit upstairs where it 's smokier than at Victor 's but at least I get a good view of the streets below .
5 Whereas like if I 'm out , at least I get a bus down , go into to Kwik Save
6 At least I have a seat .
7 But I am trying not to get too down as at least I have a job to go to . ’
8 At least I have the sense to treat her with respect . ’
9 At least I have the man 's name and have written to the Inspectorate of Constabulary at Dublin Castle and to the Sheriff of Kilkenny County .
10 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
11 I 'm always disappointed if there is n't a painting of his to look at when I open the magazine at his technical page !
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