Example sentences of "at [adv] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 BBC2 settled down with about 10 per cent of the total TV audience and heavily subsidized by BBC1 , which had four times the viewers at only twice the cost .
2 The level of personal savings is particularly high in Japan at over twice the rate in Western economies , and as the majority preference is for assets with a lower risk , over two-thirds are kept in bank deposits .
3 A so called ‘ rationalisation ’ of the market is now leading to the price charged in Britain rising at over twice the rate of inflation towards what is charged in other countries .
4 And in section 5.2 we look in more detail at just how the Bank operates in short-term money markets in order to influence interest rates and the rate of monetary growth .
5 If I did manage to get the rubber disc in now , but then he arrived an hour or two late , and then we went out for a romantic candle-lit dinner , and then we chatted for a while … the spermicide would have decided to cease hostilities at just about the time I needed it to be at its most fierce .
6 Her husband Adrian , a mental nurse , called the midwife from time to time and at about 7.30pm the midwife told the registrar .
7 The victim had been put into the lower of two bunk-beds at about 9pm the night before by his father , Mr Alan Robinson , 52 .
8 WHILE the recession has reduced many families ' incomes , school fees have continued to rise at about twice the rate of inflation .
9 This allows him to grow cells at about twice the number per unit volume that will survive in tissue culture — and at just below the density at which they begin to die , poisoned by their own wastes .
10 With all the technological genius that can be raised in the USA to produce a B-1 supersonic bomber , they had to settle for a cruising speed of 1.25 times the speed of sound while the routine Concorde bus service across the Atlantic ticks over steadily at fully twice the speed of sound — and anyone who can afford to buy a ticket can experience it .
11 At precisely 3pm the bride will appear .
12 And the telephone number I remember to this day , was Porthmadog so that shows it was at least probably the telephone to go into being in Porthmadog .
13 The other is at least partly the result of what history did to the Greeks between 1453 and 1821 , the centuries of Ottoman rule when ‘ government ’ meant something alien .
14 They might rightly decide that ‘ at least temporarily the size of their families should not be increased ’ ( Gaudium et Spes 51 ) .
15 The language of the novel makes use of this cliché to demonstrate first that there is a profound ambiguity in the social construction of femininity according to which women are passive but at the same time subversive of the binary distinction which so construes them , and second that all people , male and female , are condemned to being at least partially the product of the language of others .
16 At least not the way you think . ’
17 ‘ That 's the point , ’ Joe called back now , ‘ I have to do so much reading I 've hardly any time for writing , at least not the kind I want to do . ’
18 At least not the kind of food one would like to eat .
19 The right hon. Gentleman made a statement in the House about a fast track procedure under which some applicants would be sifted out immediately and would not have the right of appeal — at least not the right of audience in an appeal or representation in an appeal .
20 It certainly is not , in fact most yarns , including industrials , are at least twice the price of an equivalent in the UK .
21 DEC says it hopes to target the new systems against rivals , such as Hewlett-Packard Co and Sun Microsystems Inc , by offering at least twice the price-performance .
22 If , say , £400 seems the prudent limit for a particular borrower , but that borrower gets two or more separate cards with the same credit limit , he can use at least twice the amount of credit which has been judged ‘ safe ’ for him .
23 Radical deputies attempted unsuccessfully on Oct. 2 to postpone the elections by proposing a bill which would require the number of candidates to be at least twice the number of seats at issue .
24 The gel retardation assay is a rapid method which allows to compare at least semi-quantitatively the affinity of RNA polymerases for different promoters in the presence of heparin .
25 At least then the drummer feels he 's done something ; it 's using technology to help him , rather than making him feel he 's being replaced . ’
26 Now then I was going to ask one simple question and that is , has anyone thought about keep sending postcards to people , er if the , erm reply is going to be delayed in any way , because at least then the person if there 's sufficiently good reference will be able to , phone up and say look you know , yes I 'm not happy , it seems to me that that would be a way forward on that , erm .
27 At least there the floor would be still , and she would n't be feeling so horribly queasy , and she 'd have a dry bed .
28 This fine 18th century building , designed by James Gibbs , is at least symbolically the heart of the university .
29 ‘ I was amazed at how fast the game was ’ , he said .
30 I was amazed at how well the hair kept its shape , even when left to stand in my water pot for half an hour or so .
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