Example sentences of "at [pron] [adv] as he " in BNC.

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1 Des stares at me blankly as he puts his shoe on .
2 I hope that the Secretary of State will look again at the figures , instead of looking at them superficially as he has done , to see that , in the past five years , the incidence of passenger train collisions has increased by 40 per cent .
3 He stares at you hard as he passes .
4 The man looked at her curiously as he passed , touched his cap and muttered a curt good evening , which she acknowledged equally briefly .
5 But he could only glance at her briefly as he complimented her .
6 He glanced at her briefly as he said , ‘ I have n't checked the answering machine .
7 For Naylor Massingham looked far from amused , and was in fact glowering at her darkly as he rapped toughly , ‘ The purpose of my wanting to see you , Miss Everett , was to give you verbal warning that unless your work improves you 're out ! ’
8 He smiled at her now as he said , ‘ Yes , you 're right , I do love it . ’
9 He glanced at her quickly as he opened his car door .
10 A low rumble of thunder made her skin break out in a fine rash of goosepimples , and Julius glanced at her sharply as he noticed them .
11 She had been standing on the bank above him with her booted feet apart , her hands jammed into the pockets of her tight-fitting breeches , and for a fleeting instant he looked at her appraisingly as he had done at the reception .
12 She looked at him again as he executed a slower turn , wobbling but upright .
13 He walked off in front of her and Jenna had no choice at all ; she followed and only had time to glare at him reproachfully as he opened the door and stood aside for her , and then Marguerite was there .
14 He just walked into her room , closed the door and came across to her , and Maggie stared at him wildly as he took her arm , drew her from the balcony and shut the french window ,
15 Shocked into immobility , her heart racing with suffocating speed , she gaped at him stupidly as he added , ‘ Welcome to the Ca ’ del Leone . ’
16 Battler looked at him eagerly as he came back into the room .
17 He saw Mary , standing by the doorway , looking at him directly as he rode towards her , unflinching in her look at this stranger whose jingling tackle whinnied against the soft crush of the accustomed evening sounds of the valley , the sun behind him and he , as he drew near , as intent on her .
18 Dysart smiled at him sympathetically as he hurled a bundle of damp tissues into the bin by the bed and plucked a handful of replacements from their box .
19 Leonora stared at him blankly as he went into the kitchen , wondering what she 'd done to incur his displeasure again .
20 Even Dad looked at us proudly as he paused in his job of putting up the bunting .
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