Example sentences of "at [pron] [noun] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And as Brian points out , well , at my age a little security might be reassuring .
2 I had at my command a whole hour and a quarter , and I had my voice ; but the words …
3 We arranged to meet at the next new mum 's group at my house the following week .
4 ‘ I was in Florida a few weeks ago and heard an album cut at my studios a few years ago by the Diamond Accordion Band being played on a pub juke box .
5 This reaches to the outer limits of hardcore with Carl Cox 's ‘ Rhythm Is A Drug ’ and the Wizard Of Oz 's ‘ Drowning In Your Blood Mix ’ which cleaned up at the band 's recent Heaven gig ( also backed with an ‘ Ahhhcapella ’ version which had them climbing the walls round at my place the other week ! ) .
6 At their feet a grassy bank shelved to white sand , and a river the colour of emeralds streamed by .
7 I 'm a big , noisy fellow and had always felt out of place in those discreet British restaurants with their strict dress code and moody staff who 'd be looking at their watches every five minutes from 9pm onwards . ’
8 On the far side , the hills rose again , white fortress walls of snow , broken here and there by smudges of low trees , and at their foot the jolting road to Inverary , empty now in the grip of January .
9 They have at their disposal a wide variety of teaching methods and of teachers .
10 As we feel it is most important that our pupils should benefit from the best teaching materials available , it is our policy to ensure that teachers have at their disposal a wide range of supplementary materials from which they can select what is appropriate for each set .
11 By the close of the fourteenth century English Kings had at their disposal a small but effective group of civil servants , most of whom were in clerical orders .
12 This does not follow , however , from Simmel 's approach ; for him , the Walbiri 's intimate relation to the objective forms taken by their social products , and their classifications of the landscape , might well have appeared more ‘ cultured ’ than the attitudes of his German contemporaries , who , in spite of having at their disposal the enormous possibilities of mass culture , did not possess the means for assimilating these into the development of person or group .
13 Other buildings have taken over at Corry , and at their rear the blond old wall of the original house stretches under the shade of a tree in this hollow full of little rivers .
14 And as hundreds of people queued to gaze at their remains the Daily Mirror won high-level backing for a plea that decency must take over .
15 Well these ex-patriots , I 'd like to look at their situation a little bit more carefully .
16 The invasion of the non-marine habitat probably first happened in the Carboniferous , but relatives of the living land snails are rare before the Cretaceous , at which time the familiar Helix made its first appearance .
17 The simple explanation would appear to be that Jacques worked in the family business on the rue du Harlay with his father and older brother Jean , Martin 's successor in 1712 , until Jean 's death in 1720 , when , as noted above , the workshop ceased , at which time the remaining stock would have been liquidated for reasons of inheritance .
18 Eventually , it was hoped , this would lead to a demand for peace which could not be ignored , at which moment the stronger party would be able to dictate the terms it wished .
19 The Egypt into which Nasser was born was at its base an old and stable society .
20 But one may also say , from the fact that this has needed to be discussed — and from the fact that , as I say , throughout the greater part of Christendom women have not been ordained — it would be difficult to argue that the fact that this religion has had at its centre a male figure has been of little significance .
21 For that reason planning will have at its core the educational priorities for the coming year(s) .
22 The Labour Party has become a power in the land owing to its having at its back a large mass of the voting strength of the country .
23 At its top a small light gave a spacious feeling as the early ages might have felt entering a mosque or domed basilica .
24 The contentment in his eyes engendered at its heart a faint , malicious spark of amusement .
25 Yet it is a view that is rather more difficult to dismiss , if only because there is at its heart a real , and so far unresolved , problem .
26 Seaview , a sprawling white villa that would have looked equally at home on some Greek island , was set high on a bluff overlooking the sea , poised like some magical fairy-tale castle , its silhouette sharp against the darkening autumn sky , at its feet the rocky shore that tumbled to the sea .
27 of the value of the scholarship and not bother to apply in the first place , but the major scholarship was worth at its maximum a hundred and fifty pounds
28 At its gates a tall woman leading a Borzoi dog viewed her passing with disdain .
29 It might have at its disposal a computerised local information system for each area it serves in order to answer local queries as well as general ones .
30 We have established that our hominid ancestors in their gelada-like stage of evolution had acquired an aggressive , egoistic id ( sadistic in males , masochistic in females ) , along with the beginnings of an ego which had at its disposal the powerful , but relatively unfocused instinctual drives of the id , and rudimentary , but real capabilities for their inhibition , redirection , and inventive deployment in novel , even intelligent forms of behaviour .
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