Example sentences of "at [art] time [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not that primary teachers must become preoccupied with examinations or tests to be taken at the time when a child changes school .
2 But consider the phrase ‘ at the time when a person referred to in paragraph 1 becomes entitled to invoke the rules referred to in the preceding paragraph ’ .
3 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
4 It may be held at that important time of the first anniversary of the death , and is thus at the time when the people most bereaved may be thinking of re-engaging in life .
5 For example , at the time when the neural plate starts to fold up , the CAMs on the surface of the embryo are all the same .
6 The growth characteristics of the bones are laid down at the time when the pattern is specified and the elements are very small and this early specification will control growth for many years ( Chapter 10 ) .
7 This record is retained permanently , so if a specimen of rock is put into the detecting instrument , and various careful measurements made , it is possible to find out what the Earth 's magnetic field was like at the time when the basalt cooled from its original molten state .
8 It was at the time when The Jesus And Mary Chain were just beginning to bumble along .
9 Is it really necessary for you to have no claim if you are indeed made redundant or treated unjustly at the time when the contract finishes ?
10 At the time when the Home Support Project first collected information about them , the majority got some informal care at least four days a week , ( three-quarters in the Ipswich control group and the Newham action group , two-thirds in the Ipswich action group and just over a half in the Newham control group ) .
11 D. At the time when the population started to increase rapidly , most people lived in small villages and worked on farms .
12 Koller and Slaghuis ( 1978 ) mentioned the development of community health centres in Hobart , Tasmania , at the time when the rates of attempted suicide were decreasing , but did not indicate any causal connection .
13 Some say that hunting in old burned-over sites when the oak leaves first appear is a good and fruitful strategy , but others insist that morels are best collected in old apple orchards at the time when the lilacs bloom .
14 Moreover , just at the time when the tape medium is losing its prime hold on the marketplace , the manufacturing technology has been vastly improved so that the best cassettes can now give aural satisfaction , even on the most demanding domestic equipment .
15 This happened at the time when the long bow was finally succeeded by the musket and pike .
16 The latter concerns me here , since at the time when the data for the structure plan were collected ( as now ) these workers were concentrated in the South Mainland .
17 The village is thought to have been named after a Roman officer , Amboniacus , at the time when the Emperor Probus ordered the replanting of vineyards throughout Gaul .
18 Mr Justice Vinelott , allowing the inspector 's appeal , said that the question of uncertainty in relation to s 247(8) could not be determined by reference to the inspector 's state of mind at the time when the assessment was made .
19 It happened just at the time when the Tuscan peasants were abandoning their land to go and work in the factories .
20 Obviously , there was a quantum leap of some sort in the development of Minoan culture at the time when the temples were built , just as there was a quantum leap when the towns were built .
21 Between the eighteenth and fifteenth centuries BC , i.e. at the time when the Phaistos Disc was made , the Linear A script was in general use on Minoan Crete .
22 However , the situation of older and younger generations is similar in a different sense , in that in both cases the position of individuals within those structures is determined very largely by factors outside their control — very obviously so at the time when the issue of old age pensions was first on the agenda .
23 Provided that the proprietor shall not be entitled to the protection of this subsection unless , at the time when the property in question was brought to the hotel , a copy of the notice set out in the schedule to this Act printed in plain type was conspicuously displayed in a place where it could conveniently be read by his guests at or near the reception office or desk or , where there is no reception office or desk , at or near the main entrance to the hotel .
24 At the time when the Hundred Years war broke out , a defender had a more than even chance of beating off an attack .
25 At the time when the child begins to learn how to speak , care is taken by the mother to teach the child correct manner of speech and to acquaint him with all important names in the family , past and present .
26 Although it was not appreciated at the time when the Japanese swept away the administration , the power and the remaining claims to sovereignty of the French in Indochina , the Second World War in Asia had entered its final six months .
27 Decision : it was clear that under Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973 , s.16 ( 5 ) ( b ) a court dealing with an offender for breach of a community service order must consider his age and position at the time when the order was made ( considering R. v. Wyre Magistrates ' Court ex parte Boardman ( 1987 ) 9 Cr.App.R .
28 At the time when the Act was passed , there was no power in a local authority to take proceedings in its own name for an injunction .
29 Mr. Utley submits on behalf of the board that , on the true construction of section 18(1) , power to make an order for payment of costs by the board is only exercisable in favour of a person who is an unassisted party at the time when the relevant proceedings are finally decided , i.e. who is not then receiving legal aid .
30 A term created by a leasehold tenancy agreement must be expressed either with certainty and specifically or by reference to something which can , at the time when the lease takes effect , be looked to as a certain ascertainment of what the term is meant to be .
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