Example sentences of "at [art] [noun pl] ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A factor for some of us in so doing was the fact that we have been saddened and sickened at the supermarkets ' attitudes in exploiting the European difficulty .
2 Less the arm the figure is complete in itself , but it was part of a larger whole : a four-horse team , the charioteer in the car holding the reins , possibly the dedicator as a warrior behind him on the ground or mounting , probably a groom at the horses ' heads ( a small-scale arm was found , as well as scraps of the horses ' legs and tails ) .
3 There is no room between him and the chariot for a groom corresponding to the one holding the reins in the opposite wing ; nor , if the girl is rightly placed , was there one at the horses ' heads .
4 As the dragoons beside the cannon prepared to advance , the Highlanders dashed forward and slashed at the horses ' noses , which sent the unfortunate animals , maddened with pain , into headlong retreat , scattering the supporting line behind them .
5 An enterprising firm of potters anywhere in the Province could supply batches of their wares , so crates of vessels arriving at the quartermasters ' stores could have come from any available source .
6 Inquisitive fish , like Tiger Barbs , may nibble at the snails ' tentacles , but do not seem to cause any damage .
7 At the islands ' police headquarters they were detained for questioning for four and a half hours .
8 She picked the papers up hurriedly and put them back before anyone should see , but it seemed Mr Bradford , who was a powerful man at the Doctors ' Commons , had complained that they were out of order .
9 Dr John Bradford was a judge at the Doctors ' Commons , a very highly respected man at the top of his profession , and Elizabeth , his wile , was well known for her hospitality .
10 Er for instance look at the doctors ' leaflets , the brochure goes on about er how much the money has been saved for the health council and all the rest of it .
11 There was a further meeting yesterday — at the solicitors ' offices — at which he was not present .
12 Computer awareness courses at the teachers ' centres , the local authority are running them , erm there are user groups in Brighton and the , the area for , for such erm teachers and the University as you say runs courses with the Department of Education and Science erm to help primary and secondary teachers .
13 France , Germany and the UK also expressed concern at the courts ' verdicts .
14 But the swirling breeze was at the hunters ' backs , and the big bull suddenly lifted his muzzle to scent in their direction , and a moment later the whole herd was running towards the shelter of the trees .
15 In the result Mr. Levy , junior counsel , and their instructing solicitors , together with Miss T. 's father and C. , attended at the judges ' lodgings shortly after 11 p.m. that night .
16 She looked at the birds ' eggs on her table , the books on the desk near the bed .
17 Raymond was witty and unusual and from time to time he was invited to drink coffee at the artists ' cafés .
18 I can well understand the plaintiffs ' sense of indignation at the defendants ' breaches of the injunction , and the court will have to consider very carefully all aspects of those breaches when the inevitable contempt proceedings are heard .
19 In the middle of the crowd — people arriving , people leaving , lost children , tannoy announcements , people queueing at the cashiers ' grilles , checking the airport shops , lugging their cases into the restaurants … in the middle of all that , Culley looked for someone special .
20 This request was important in that it forced the staff involved in Guidance to review the programme and look at the students ' experiences in totality .
21 Mulberry-coloured curtains were fastened in strict discipline at the windows ' extremities so that the view of attractive roofs and spires was uninterrupted .
22 ODDEST sight of the week : top Tory ‘ mandarin ’ Allan Clarke giggling at the readers ' tips in Viz : ‘ Taxi drivers , why not pop into your local garage and have your indicators fixed then the rest of us would know where you 're going …
23 I looked at the passengers ' faces .
24 Our claim form includes advice on the action you may take if you intend to claim under the policy but we wish to emphasise that IF YOUR MOTOR CAR IS INSURED AGAINST DAMAGE and is IMMOBILISED AT THE REPAIRERS ' PREMISES your local Motor Claims Office will arrange for an inspection by an Engineer immediately on receiving details from you by telephone , whether the claim form has been completed or not .
25 It has power to request further information from the parties and to inspect documents at the parties ' premises and failure by the parties to provide the information required or to co-operate in an inspection may cause the four month period to be extended .
26 These two articles look at the banks ' problems
27 Even many voters who dislike and fear the Labour Party are tempted to register their disgust at the Tories ' failures by voting Liberal Democrat .
28 I peer at the kids ' faces , and feel like a teacher at an end-of-term disco .
29 The government admitted only four killed and 18 arrested and claimed to have discovered arms caches at the victims ' homes .
30 Mr Major is furious at the rebels ' tactics in gleefully voting with Labour and the Liberal Democrats when it suits them .
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