Example sentences of "at [adj] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At eleven o'clock the cook and the housekeeper went to bed .
2 At eleven o'clock the teams stopped working .
3 It starts at eight o'clock the tickets are six quid on the door and appearing are the Ivy League Alf Berry and Heather Nixon , Night Ride organist and drummer and the compere is Peter Lawrie it 'll be a good night I 'll tell you that .
4 When we left at 11.20 am the forecourt would be crowded with another congregation waiting to enter for the 11.30 am Celebration of the Sung Eucharist .
5 The penetrance of the dominant gene in adults was estimated at 0.26 hence the risk of disease in an adult offspring of a patient with ulcerative colitis induced by this gene may be 13% .
6 At 7 o'clock the office bearers , a number of the brethren and their lady friends sat down to a sumptuous repast in a granary tastefully decorated with evergreen and flags and after a long toast list the tables were removed for dancing .
7 At 10 AM the King held a Conference at Buckingham Palace at which the Prime Minister , Baldwin and Samuel were present .
8 At 7.20 a.m. the radio announced that the putsch was ‘ an internal affair of the army ’ .
9 At 5 a.m. the barrage stood still for half an hour while the infantry mopped up and re-formed behind it .
10 At 5 o'clock the justices indicated that they were retiring to consider their conclusions and to draft the reasons that they intended to state to support those conclusions .
11 At 4 am the klaxon for reveille sounded , and half an hour later the breakfast gong .
12 The one hundred share index was 17.4 points higher at one stage , but finished the day well below it 's best level , 4.2 points higher at 2152.2 , at 4 o'clock the volume was mediocre at 321.7 million shares .
13 For evidently we need both reflexive and non-reflexive polyadic predicates , as well as monadic predicates , if we are to be able to describe at all adequately the world around us .
14 This mixing increases the tail rotor pitch to compensate for the increased torque when collective pitch is added , but in an autorotation landing there is no torque at all so the yaw effect is even more pronounced .
15 However , there have been rather few cases which have addressed at all directly the question of the legality of the use of nuclear weapons , and even fewer judgments touching on this .
16 At 6 a.m. the mortar team started to drum up for breakfast .
17 At 6 a.m. the guards on the Austrian frontier showed little interest in the Jaguar or its occupants .
18 At ten o'clock the lights went out .
19 At ten o'clock the gates were shut to prevent a sudden influx of new voters — anyone could leave , no one could enter .
20 At 10.00 pm the Corporal came round to check that we were all present and in bed before turning the lights out and leaving us to sleep .
21 Had he been in Whitechapel , Charlie would have been happy to run up and down the market from five in the morning to seven at night and still box a few rounds at the club , drink a couple of pints of beer and carry out the same routine the next day without a second thought , but when at nine o'clock the sergeant-major gave them a ten-minute break for cocoa he collapsed on to the verge exhausted .
22 At 1 p.m. the BBC Home Service reported the execution at Wandsworth and the last public message of the man who had been hanged .
23 At twelve o'clock the class was dismissed , and there followed a rush for the toilets and ablutions .
24 At first only the Simonova 's lights betrayed her presence amid the blackness of space .
25 This method of teaching , though daunting at first far the pupil , is a formative experience , the aspect of the course to which most Oxford graduates look back with most gratitude .
26 The ships then set out to return to base at speed of 10km/h. at 8 p.m. the cutter increased speed to 20 km/h while the launch kept going at 10 km/h .
27 At one o'clock the judge left the court for an hour .
28 In response to a further telephone call from the police station at 1.17 a.m. the ambulance services said that an ambulance would be at the scene in five to seven minutes .
29 The party continued after Bibit had returned to his cell , and at 2.45 a.m. the gates had been opened to allow the delivery of further stocks of alcohol .
30 At 9 p.m. the women sat down in the common room and said they were n't going to bed until the heating was fixed .
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