Example sentences of "he came [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , after his stepfather 's death in 1859 , when he came into a comfortable inheritance , Wallis never again made the same artistic impact , though he remained an Academy exhibitor until 1877 .
2 I mean he came for a flying visit and he went back did n't he ? he came for a flying visit and went back
3 I mean he came for a flying visit and he went back did n't he ? he came for a flying visit and went back
4 He came of a crusading line which has held the manor of Templecombe since time immemorial ? ’
5 He came of a labouring family and he himself began work in the local cotton industry at the age of ten .
6 On his way out of the city he came to a poor crofter 's cottage .
7 He came to a macabre end .
8 The pavement had been much repaired , and it was difficult to synchronise his steps so that the middle of each foot fell exactly on the cracks between the paving stones , but with some concentration and a few judicious half-steps he managed it ; then he came to a long blue-grey line of asphalt where a pipe had obviously been repaired , and walked along that instead free from the worry of the paving stones between the cracks .
9 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
10 He came to a wide gap which had been trodden into mud by cattle .
11 For all his thinking he came to a sole conclusion .
12 He came to a bad end . ’
13 The actor just did not know the lines , and , though he could manage the exchanges of dialogue quite well , every time he came to a big speech , he would dry .
14 For the first time he came to a horrified acceptance of the woman 's view .
15 Soon he came to a bright restaurant on Broadway .
16 He came to a stumbling halt with the point of the bayonet less than a foot away from his chest .
17 But a few minutes after he was launched into the speech he came to a dead stop , stared strangely at the gallery in silence , and could not go on .
18 But he came to a dead end with that jeweller . ’
19 She stumbled after him the length of the church portico , bumping against him when he came to a sudden stop .
20 ‘ I 've seen him before , when he came with a blind man . ’
21 In the same tea chest he came across a cube-shaped case made of orange plastic .
22 At first , this made Lucien nervous , especially the first time he came across a half-clad female sauntering along the sky-lit corridor outside his room on her way to the bathrooms .
23 And one day he came across a huge seal and killed it , never knowing that it was his own father in his seal form .
24 He was in despair , when he came across a known face ; Richard Urquhart , the precentor whom he remembered starting the psalms with a good clear tenor note at Savill 's Old , at the beginning of his sojourn here ; and later at the Heathertons ' .
25 After winning a scholarship in 1900 to King 's College , Cambridge , he came under a brilliant scholar , Walter Headlam , [ q.v. ] , and a born teacher , Nathaniel Wedd .
26 The problem he says is only that Mr Tijani turned out to be so ill , otherwise he came as a legitimate private patient .
27 He came in a hired car in those days .
28 He came from a respectable family .
29 He came from a good home , was well educated and had every advantage .
30 He came from a good , supportive family and had never been in trouble before .
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