Example sentences of "he might [vb infin] been a " in BNC.

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1 ( You 'd think he might have been a bit more careful — after all , this was n't happening in the Dark Ages before birth control was invented . )
2 The monastic chronicler in later Wessex who wrote up the entry classifying the invasion seems to have got his dates wrong ; recent scholars have suggested he might have been a quarter of a century too late .
3 I thought he might have had a place at the Youth , it seemed to me that he might have been a leader if he 'd had the encouragement .
4 It is also a question we would ask about the tomb of a knight , whose collar suggests he might have been a Lancastrian .
5 He says he might have been a clerk or a waiter if he had gone ; he sees very clearly how circumstances makes lives .
6 He admits he might have been a little too young for the job , ‘ but after Yves had done it at Dior , everyone thought a young designer was the thing and of course there was n't that much to do , a collection of 60 or 70 dresses , twice a year . ’
7 He might have been a natural broadcaster but for the quality of his scripts .
8 He might have been a minor orator , not quite in the senate , nor yet on the stage , more likely at the Bar of some prosperous provincial town ; in fact he had made his early and relatively modest pile in some wholesale business .
9 He felt he might have been a lord , or at least a prosperous shopkeeper about to be driven to his mansion — except that there was no horse .
10 Some other time , he might have been a hymn writer , perhaps .
11 He could not see where Terry Place and his killing of William Egan , nor the idea that he might have been a poisoner , fitted into all this , perhaps nowhere , but his violence seemed to have a kind of a parallel in the Essex cases , which might illuminate his own problem .
12 I think he might have been a security man of some kind , although I could n't prove it to you .
13 In former times he might have been a nobleman 's factotum , now I dare say he is a film director 's personal assistant , and he leans forward obsequiously to catch his companion 's every word .
14 If he had n't been a detective he might have been a historian .
15 No , but I might have known him because he might have been a junior .
16 I know , he might have been a bit better , she , he had a fight , he had some Whiskers for his dinner last night , I tell him he ai n't
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