Example sentences of "he can not [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He can not equate it with ‘ ought ’ since , according to him , to speak of what one ought to do is simply to speak of what will have the best consequences .
2 If he can not spit them out , he swallows them .
3 as Steel-Maitland reported to Law in 1914 : " sunderland : He says he can not manage thee distant meetings .
4 The prosecutor may direct policemen to carry out inquiries and interview witnesses , but he can not deputise them to interrogate the suspect , a task which he must perform himself .
5 An observer at a distance from the black hole can measure only the outgoing particles , and he can not correlate them with those that fall into the hole because he can not observe them .
6 The aforesaid captain I shall endeavour to keep beside me as my bondsman ; hobbled , and under my eye , he can not do me injury .
7 But that , in effect , means changing his character , and at the age of 50 he can not do it : the mould is set .
8 If he can not deduce that one or other party was to blame he can not send them both away empty-handed but must find that both contributed ( as happened in Baker v Market Harborough Industrial Co-operative Society , Wallace v Richards ( Leicester ) Ltd [ 1953 ] 1 WLR 1472 .
9 He can not leave it until after the ballot has been declared .
10 While there is trouble between Copt and Moslem he can not offer it to a Copt nor a Copt take it . ’
11 After all , why should he consent to be Helena 's fairy-tale prize for curing the King , if he can not love her ?
12 But if he can not show you have the papers any longer , then he can not prove he was here on the night of the murder .
13 He tells me that sometimes my desire verges on cannibalism , and that he can not give me what I want .
14 ‘ If a person with knowledge of the facts pays money , which he is not in law bound to pay , and in circumstances implying that he is paying it voluntarily to close the transaction , he can not recover it .
15 If you give a deaf person the score of a piece by Bach or Mozart , he can learn to see the composition of themes and their recurrence but not why this is so marvellous because he can not feel it .
16 An observer at a distance from the black hole can measure only the outgoing particles , and he can not correlate them with those that fall into the hole because he can not observe them .
17 Notice that the enzyme can do nothing about the difference , h , between the initial and final energy engineer can , by digging a tunnel , reduce the height to which one must climb to travel between them , but if there is a difference of altitude between the cities he can not alter it .
18 But he can not ignore it for long .
19 He can not say it .
20 The historian must first personally select the facts that he presents in his narrative because he can not include them all .
21 Unable to see God as he is , he can not trust him as he should , and doubt is the result .
22 The middle child is severely disabled and necessary d adaptations would cost him three thousand seven hundred , that 's what he 's got ta find , and he can not afford it , he ca n't afford to borrow that .
23 He can not have it both ways .
24 He can not have it both ways .
25 RIGHT A telepathy experiment featuring a blindfolded Kuda Bux , who is reproducing the symbols drawn on the board by Lucie Kaye despite the fact that he can not see them .
26 To someone without this discriminative capacity , either congenitally or because it has not been developed , a thing can present a blue appearance , but he can not see it as blue .
27 A military historian has compared the advantage JSTARS conveys to playing a game of chess in which you can see your opponent 's pieces but he can not see yours .
28 It is also clear from Walkley v Precision Forgings [ 1979 ] 1 WLR 606 and Chappell v Cooper [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 463 that where the plaintiff commences an action during the primary s11 or s12 limitation period but then puts himself in a position where he can not pursue it , for instance by letting his writ expire without service or delaying so much that his action is struck out for want of prosecution , the court will have no power to exercise s33 discretion , since it is the plaintiff 's own action or default which has prejudiced him and not the operation of s11 or 12 .
29 ( c ) If the victim wants the thing during the time when the accused has dishonestly borrowed it , he can not use it , whether or not the accused intends permanently to deprive .
30 He can not hear us of course , ’ said Fael-Inis .
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