Example sentences of "he had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , as he later admitted in court , he had been represented by a lawyer from Newcastle at the time of signing to Virgin : not a music-business lawyer , it was true , but a lawyer none the less .
2 He had been met by the Defence Ministry people , who had taken him directly from the aircraft steps , but no one had said a word on the way into the city .
3 He had been sighted at Woodcote and again with the gypsies at the village of Checkendon .
4 According to Trubin , he had been implicated in the plot by SCSE members in custody .
5 Sabine Jourdain had been shot , Barbara Coleman had been abducted , someone had tried to strangle Rain , the reception clerk and Cobalt had been beaten up , and Rain and he had been chased through a maze by a man with a ferocious determination on his face .
6 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
7 Rousseau challenged the Christian doctrine of Original Sin ; he believed that man was by nature good , and that he had been corrupted by civilization ; savages were uncorrupted .
8 The Welsh star was edged out by just two-hundredths of a second by his best friend Mark McKoy — but could have been forgiven for feeling he had been robbed of gold after the Canadian had seemed to get away to a false start .
9 As he plundered her mouth Jenna was faintly aware that there was very little anger left in him ; this was complete sensuality , no doubt because he had been robbed of an evening with Claudine in his arms .
10 In the first , he had been robbed of something on which he had set his heart ; in the second he was robbed of his life .
11 The Welshman was edged out by just two-hundredths of a second by his best friend Mark McKoy — but could have been forgiven for feeling he had been robbed of gold after the Canadian had seemed to get away to a false start .
12 The Welshman was edged out by just two-hundredths of a second by his best friend , Mark McKoy — but could have been forgiven for feeling he had been robbed of gold after the Canadian had seemed to get away to a false start .
13 The story was , that unused to concealing money about his person , he had been robbed on the train and had had to return home .
14 The fact was , that he made the journey ; shabby and penniless , he had to look up addresses of kinsfolk in English towns ; he had been robbed by con-men on board the ship , for Dad was a simple , trusting person , one might say , naive .
15 Molotov concluded the parallel negotiations which he had been conducting with German representatives and thus secured two years grace while partitioning Poland with Nazi Germany .
16 As a hypnotherapist , he had been consulted by a lady called Virginia Tighe of Colorado .
17 Three months previously he had been invested with ‘ overall editorial control ’ .
18 But by 1646 he had been deprived of his parish and in 1648 he was expelled from Christ Church .
19 Foreign Affairs Minister Inonga Lokonga L'Omé died on June 19 in South Africa , where he had been flown after suffering a stroke .
20 Dauntless cursed the ballot through which he had been burdened with this particular region to patrol .
21 He had been lampooned by contemporary dramatists .
22 Up to then he had been supported by the British Council , who now passed the buck to Bloomsbury House .
23 Sirhan was immediately arrested , and apparently confessed to his interrogators that he had been acting on his own to avenge the Haram al-Sharif massacre .
24 The government denied involvement in Toro 's activities but few observers believed that he had been acting on his own initiative .
25 This was Peter Lorre 's first film but he had been acting for ten years in a career which had begun with his running away from home at the age of 15 and which bore many similarities to the careers of other American and European actors who had arrived in Hollywood already .
26 He also told the court he had been acting in accordance with an order from Allied Forces Headquarters on 14 May 1945 .
27 He had been acting in his departmental role , gathering information for Mr Parkinson , when he contacted Eurotunnel .
28 Mr Justice Johnson , who jailed the 37year-old Marquess for failing to pay £10,534 to his estranged wife Becky , said he had been acting in excess of his powers when he imposed the sentence .
29 James said he was told after the accident by the police that he had been recorded at 153 mph .
30 Since he 'd arrived at Montpelier Square he had been listening for the slightest movement elsewhere in the flat .
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