Example sentences of "he had [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus has just stated that he had to go through great suffering ; to be rejected by the Jewish leaders ; and to be put to death and to rise again .
2 Apparently Gagarin said that when he looked out of the right window of his spacecraft and glimpsed the earth for the first time , he had an experience or sense of — and then he used a word which the interpreter did not know the meaning of , so he had to go to another table and ask another interpreter to help .
3 On the other hand , it could be claimed with some justification that moral considerations were involved in Gandhi 's decision to fast and that he did what he thought he had to do in those situations .
4 One got the impression that Mr Callaghan felt that he had to put on one side the normal practice of consulting only a small group of inner ministers on economic issues , and had to carry all the colleagues , all twenty-two , if he was to have a hope of carrying the party in the country clearly out of the crisis .
5 He had to put on some plaster so there were only three
6 He had to apologise about that young girl Carly because he got it all wrong .
7 He had to decide on some action .
8 He was eventually put ashore on the island of Emira where he had to live for six days on coconuts before being rescued and brought to Sydney , Australia .
9 They had drunk pots of strong black coffee and he had to leave at 8 .
10 He had to wait for fifteen minutes before he was admitted to the Agency 's annexe .
11 He had to wait until nine o'clock to telephone the garage , and he had been told they had no time that morning and would try to get down in the afternoon .
12 Here Revelstoke was in his element ; acute intelligence and charm , capacity for meticulous work , presence and eloquence , fluency in French and Spanish , and , above all , financial acumen made him a match for the wiliest of South American presidents , North American railway barons , European finance ministers , and the members of the British cabinet with all of whom he had to deal at one time or another .
13 Eden was soon complaining that , with the departure of Truman and Acheson , he had to deal with inexperienced people in Washington .
14 As captain , he had to deal with endless media attention , and did so with his usual charm .
15 His patients were mainly Merseyside dockers and shipyard workers , and seamen injured at sea , and he had to deal with many severe accident cases .
16 Father used to do that , he would sit in the evening then and he had to scratch on this b it was a like a tin plate with a black sort of area to scratch
17 And finally he had to choose between this and the traditional Dublin ale .
18 We told the child that there was a chocolate in one of the boxes and that he had to point to one of them — guessing of course — to tell the experimenter where to look for the chocolate .
19 She would see what he had to say as personal criticism and that was something which in his experience few women could take .
20 But this is what he had to say about one of the side effects that he noted .
21 He could hardly stand , he had to cling to one of the arms that helped him up .
22 He sat at the head of the table carefully scrutinising the document in front of him as if it were a religious text which he had to examine for scriptural errors .
23 He said he 'd expire if he had to sit on that high stool much longer .
24 The idea that the SLD exists to replace Labour carries little conviction , and so he had to bow to those of his followers who advocate an outright anti-Thatcher stance .
25 The Revolution of 1688 lost D'Urfey the courtly connections he had developed , so that he had to turn to other means of support .
26 His neck and shoulders gradually became so stiff that he had to turn in one piece from the waist up .
27 So he had to start on another one .
28 One of the major qualities of Michael 's performance was that he had to speak in three accents : one way to his troops , as their superior ; another way to the officers , his superiors ; and a third way to the German who had captured him .
29 But having I could just tell councillor that the main problems which he felt he had to bring into this debate , the main problem is parking across the driveways in Harvey Goodwin Avenue , both the residents get very fed up because the parking .
30 To do this successfully , the soldier had to be ready : he had to train in military skills which he might be called upon to use .
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