Example sentences of "he had [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He had broken through the picquet lines .
2 He had broken through the terror barrier , perhaps , and was in the dead calm state of mind that lies on the other side .
3 The warning alert must have been sounding since he had broken into the room .
4 Paisley had supported him again once he had broken with the Official Unionists .
5 The Salinas government had hailed his arrest as a blow against corruption , but there was widespread speculation that Galicia was in fact being targeted because he had broken with the PRI during the 1988 elections .
6 In other words , he had broken with the model after their blink-of-the-eye affair .
7 At least he had grown beyond the need to despise people in order to give himself stature .
8 ‘ By that time , also , there were a lot of blues albums being reissued , like Otis Rush 's ‘ Groaning the Blues ’ which he had recorded in the late '50s with Ike Turner producing , and it had some of the best blues tunes on it , and some of the best playing I have ever heard .
9 He had pointed along the bank to where an elderly Arab was standing in the water bent over the gunwale of a small , crazily-built boat .
10 If he had crawled under the rails in order to throw himself off the cliff , then he could easily have caught his slacks on something and left the thread behind .
11 He had stayed with the couple until 4pm .
12 For very form 's sake , and because , after all , Stair was his brother , he had stayed with the party through one act of a musical comedy at the Gaiety Theatre where they had made so much noise that their departure at the first interval must have pleased the audience which they had left behind , had gone to Quaggers — Quaglino 's — to dine — which meant drink — in a private room , and were now on their way to crown their evening 's pleasure by ‘ Pushing the boat out for Havvie ’ , Stair 's witticism .
13 He had stayed with the launcher , calmly perfecting his adjustment of the aim .
14 He had insisted on going with her but Carrie was beginning to wish he had stayed in the shop .
15 He had stayed in the car .
16 As the constitutional deadline for the government 's term in office approached , Labour MPs increasingly sought to avert electoral disaster by calling on Palmer to step down in favour of Moore , whom he had defeated for the leadership in August 1989 .
17 Among the latter was Imelda Marcos whom he had defeated in the election , and who , together with her husband President Ferdinand Marcos , had been forced from office in 1986 by a popular campaign in which Ramos had played a key role .
18 Clinton received another boost when , on July 8 , he was publicly endorsed by Paul Tsongas whom he had defeated in the primary contests .
19 Having delayed longer than he had intended at the barrow , he even pumped the pedals on the downhill sections , always anxious about the safety of the curious evidence in his saddle bag .
20 A fervent supporter of Home Rule , he had converted to the Roman Catholic faith .
21 In political matters , he had acquiesced in the practices which he found established in England , notably antagonistic though they were to the libertas ecclesiae in the Gregorian sense of this phrase .
22 A refutation of the aspersions he had cast on the personal conduct of the separatists , it concluded with an appeal to her antagonist to ‘ receive admonition , though it be from a woman ’ .
23 A copy of a paper he had given to the British Association on ‘ The car of the future ’ led to his being summoned to Detroit , and to a commission to design and build it .
24 1–3–1859 The Convener read the following letter from Claud McFie Esquire with reference to a donation of £400 which he had given to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund and a like sum to the Supplementary Sustentation Fund and in reference to which he reserved power to demand the interest during his life ; that he was anxious to promote the prosperity of the new Church of Bowmore in Islay , and now desired to appropriate the interest of the latter sum for five years , for that charge , and on this being complied with he gave up for that period his claim for the interest of the former sum , viz £400 , to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund .
25 Hakim , who had pleaded guilty in November 1989 to a misdemeanour charge ( helping to supplement the salary of North by arranging to pay for a security system at North 's home ) in return for the dropping of five felony counts [ see p. 37037 ] , was praised by the judge for the assistance which he had given to the Iran-contra investigation .
26 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
27 The King , understandably enough , did not thank Asquith for implying that he would deviate from the role of strict constitutionality by denying to Labour what he had given to the other parties .
28 In view of the weight he had given to the idea of an aristocratic plot , Edward found his flat reaction to the name of Hamilton quite puzzling .
29 He said afterwards that he thought the explanations he had given regarding the crisis had satisfied the King .
30 He promised to take the cast to him in the morning , and I arranged to call at his office at noon to learn what he had discovered from the dentist .
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