Example sentences of "he had [vb pp] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 His hands were careful and restrained , his mouth tender , and although only a very short while later , Cassie was to realize just how much self-control he had exerted at that moment of their first real physical contact , for those few minutes , she knew only that she was not afraid of him , nor even suspected that there was any need to be .
2 Reflecting in her vague kindly way that it was very nice for Jasper to have friends of his own age to play with in the holidays , a lot better than in the days when he had lived in that tower block in Walworth , she was still thinking along these lines as she entered the gateless gateway and found her eyes irresistibly turning upwards to the bell .
3 He was still wearing the elegantly tailored suit he had worn on that occasion .
4 Suspicion of the king lingered on after the conclusion of the parliament of 1341 , and was probably intensified by his solemn revocation of the concessions he had made in that parliament at a council attended by all the magnates in early October 1341 .
5 He had posed for that portrait at the age of twenty-two ; a year later he was in the Crimea .
6 He had heard of that brand of peculiarity before .
7 Wishart thought back to what he had heard about that fateful night at the banquet .
8 For months he had been haunted by his memories of the battle of Toulouse ; reliving the bowel-loosening terror he had felt at that last conflict of the last war .
9 It had been a long time since he had felt like that .
10 " Just think of Dr Livingstone , " chided Eva , who knew he had travelled through that area .
11 So he had gone to that other place where , so Mrs Parvis said , red and orange fires burned day and night , so hot that glass and brick and even solid rock melted to liquid .
12 From there , the crossing and the distance he had covered on that path , to the place where he was found , would take him no more than half an hour — less , if he was a brisk walker , and it was raining , he 'd be no longer than he need out in it .
13 Usually he was in camouflage smock and holding an A.K. at the hip , and would probably have knocked half his pelvis off from the recoil if he had fired at that angle .
14 If only he had acceded to that suggestion of hers !
15 Nor could he even remember now what he had said in that burst of spleen .
16 He had twisted in that grip , tried to bring the gun round to bear on that monstrous maw .
17 Alex Macdonald , the hard-nosed manager of Airdrie , refused to apologise for his team 's performance in a midweek match against Hibs in Edinburgh any more than he had done after that bewildering semi-final against Hearts at Hampden .
18 ‘ If he had participated in that debate and gone through the moral and ethical gymnastics we were going through , I think things would have turned out very differently . ’
19 She could see that he was searching for the right words , the very thing that would describe what he had felt , what he had experienced at that moment .
20 Corbett , remembering all he had seen the previous night , was more wary of Thomas : the evil he had experienced in that hut was nothing to take lightly .
21 It was four years since they had parted , and who knew how much he had changed during that time ?
22 On the day they had gone , when the summer was over and the skies grey and a wind blowing , he had thought of that image .
23 He felt a superstitious , almost fatalistic reluctance to look too closely now , in case he discovered some horror he had overlooked on that earlier journey , for toe tender was accepted and the price could not be varied .
24 President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak cut short an official five-day visit to China ( where he had arrived on that day ) to return to Egypt .
25 Anyway , someone pointed out that the face in the mirror was obviously not the face of the woman looking into it , something to do with the angle at which the mirror was held , and what theory they attached to that , whether it had been intended , or a mistake , or even an overpainting at a later date — he did not remember that he had known about that .
26 And at the end of the first week he asked me how I would feel if we sold the domestic appliances businesses ( the most profitable part of the group at the time ) , and I said I did n't know how he had got to that so fast , but that it was fine with me .
27 Petur Beron on Dec. 3 announced his intention to resign as chair of the UDF co-ordinating council ( he had succeeded to that post after Zhelev had resigned it in August upon being elected President ) .
28 He had sat in that locked room talking , therapist and patient both , had talked it over and over .
29 My close friendship with Pearn had made me aware of the work that he had put into that assistance .
30 ‘ The thought that he had come to that state of despair would break my heart . ’
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